Sarawak Cable’s ‘White Knight’ Flashes Its Sword At Media Enquirers

Sarawak Cable’s new “White Knight partner” has been issuing legal warnings to media seeking to research the company. Serendib Capital announced a plan to inject RM250 million to ‘resuscitate’ the company which sent share prices rocketing after being rock bottom……

Sarawak Cable And Its New ‘White Knight’

Sarawak Cable was the centre of controversy a decade back as an emblem of the self-dealing management of the state by former chief minister and present governor Abdul Taib Mahmud. He liked to be called the ‘CEO of the State’ and handed the massive Bakun cable project to a company owned by his son. That company is now apparently failing badly….

Help Us Survive Royal Damages Award

The Appeal Court has issued an award for costs of RM120,000 and damages of RM300,000 against the author of The Sarawak Report and two fellow defendants.
This amounts to a thousand times less than the astonishing RM300 million that the wealthy royal was demanding for a case of harmless mistaken identity, yet it is a ruinous sum for the three defendants targeted in this case.

There Is Theft, There Is Murder and There Is Motive

Najib’s undeniable involvement in the murder of his former translator on his most notorious defence deal must now be fully examined after years of closing down proper investigations. She was threatening to expose the now proven fact that he, together with his aide Razik Baginda, had taken massive kickbacks from the French Scopene submarine deal, which provides a motive for her murder by his two bodyguards that could never be otherwise explained…..


As Sarawak leaders stand on the brink of an announcement of plans for further dam building, a shocking report has confirmed that the monstrous Bakun dam is critically in need of repair along with others in Malaysia. This has to happen before a single stone is laid to choke more rivers in the state …..

Something For Nothing Guy, Jeffrey Kitingan, Is Caught Out Again!

This latest all round episode of further hoodwinking presents just one more reason why the people of Sabah, particularly the short-changed indigenous landowners who are being siren’d with seductive promises of making “billions from zero”, should (like climate NGOs) take everything Kitingan says with a very large pinch of salt.

Growing Mystery Over Taib Family’s CMSB Shares

Norway’s state bank has just bought a commanding shareholding of 54 million shares in CMSB which is a strikingly similar amount to the shares contested in a Taib family row. In June the Malaysian court barred Taib’s wife Ragad from selling them until the dispute was settled ……..

New Nat West Chair – The Contract That Wasn’t; The £2m Bonus He “Did Not Receive” and The “Inappropriate” Tax Avoidance Plan He Suggested But “Never Executed”

The new Chairman of Nat West, appointed as a “safe pair of hands” in the wake of the scandal over Coutts, has erased mention of his former employment as COO/President of 1MDB JV partner, PetroSaudi International. At the time he suggested an off-shore tax avoidance scheme for the payment of his bonus …. to be managed by Coutts Zurich, the bank later fined for money laundering Jho Low’s ‘Heist of the Century’ from 1MDB….

More Of Sabah Up For Cheap Sale?

The present leadership of the hotch potch Sabah State Government – made up of party hoppers who then passed an anti-hopping law – seems bent on parcelling off the state’s resources through schemes that mysteriously fail to benefit the state as much as private concerns…….

Human Trafficking Bust Lifts Lid on Migrant Worker Abuse In Sarawak

The terms ‘Human Trafficking’ and ‘Migrant Labour Abuse’ sum up slavery in the modern world. And, with a rich country to exploit and a low population to do the work, greedy and lawless criminal ‘entrepreneurs’ have been tricking people into just such slavery in Sarawak. Those in authority have for too long taken the money and turned a blind eye ……

Selangor ‘Fake Joint Venture’ Raises Questions For Azmin Ali

Azmin Ali plans to return as MB to Selangor in the embrace of PAS. However, allegations of political backhanders in return for contracts that sullied his previous tenure of the role, may come back to haunt him. Sarawak Report has obtained new evidence of an alleged plan involving over RM45m in donations for a 100 acre ‘direct nego’ development dismissed by the courts as fake ……..

Who Is Jasmine Loo?

The high life turned into life on the run for Jho Lows gang and now these prime witnesses are turning themselves in……

Battle Of The Taib’s – What’s At Stake

It seems that all the Taib offspring, even the step-offspring, entertain fantasies of succeeding to his level of power and most certainly his wealth. Their suitability is another matter as they start to scrap amongst themselves……

Ragad’s Next Move Is A Landgrab! – EXCLUSIVE

Sarawak’s premiere land grabbing Taib family may be shocked to learn that ‘stepmum’ Ragad has been grabbing land off them. This comes just days after SR revealed that Taib had allegedly also signed over 50 million CMSB shares to his second wife ……

Fruits Of Foreign Funding?

The Beckenham MP, Bob Stewart, a frequent guest and parliamentary supporter of the Bahrain government, condemned by human rights groups, has been charged with abusive behaviour towards an activist who criticised those links. Is this another consequence of the influence of foreign money on UK politics and parliamentarians?…….

Kuwaiti Confidential

1MDB Plus involved $2 BILLION more of Malaysia’s money to cover up the theft. Whilst the Malaysian authorities have tarried over action to get that money back, it seems that once again US investigators have got in ahead of the game, while the UN has cast opprobrium on Kuwait for its treatment of the whistleblower in this case…….

Blue Skies (BS) Thinking Comes With Lashings Of Greenwash In Sarawak

Almost daily a new ‘blue sky vision’ is promoted from the Sarawak ‘Premier’s’ office, as greedy businessmen troop through with their latest money-spinning projects for turning Borneo’s lifeblood into gold. ‘Green’, however, these plans are not. And, as ever, they present little care for the real needs of the increasingly impoverished and neglected indigenous people…….

Final Appeal Court Slams Sarawak’s Land Grab Tactics And Hints At The Elephant In The Room – CORRUPTION

After years, even decades, hundreds of Sarawak Land Grab cases are still wending their way through the courts, long after the native lands in question have been plundered and destroyed. The glaring issue in these David and Goliath battles is that the concessions themselves were almost without exception the product of corrupt cronyism and nepotism under the rule of the former chief minister and current billionaire Governor of the state, Taib Mahmud……….

PR Cat & Mouse Games By Pro-Samling ‘Sustainability NGO’, APS?

The mystery ‘NGO’, Advokasi Pribumi Sarawak (Sarawak Indigenous People’s Advocate), has complained SR “discredited” it by suggesting it was a PR outfit for the logging giant Samling. Why at the same time has the PR company behind the outfit pulled its client portfolio off the web and changed its contact numbers?….

Dirty Tricks By Samling’s PR Department?

When it comes to ripping out forests, dodging environmental restrictions and heavy handed tactics towards indigenous protests, the global timber giant, Samling, leads the field. However, when it comes to the subtler arts of communication, specifically disinformation known as ‘Black PR’, the Sarawak loggers appear out of their depth…..

FINALLY – Swiss Prosecutors Indict The PetroSaudi Boys!

Swiss prosecutors have moved to indict the managers of PetroSaudi, Tarek Obaid and Patrick Mahony, who for eight years have managed to spend 1MDB’s stolen money and live unpunished for their role in aiding and abetting Najib and Jho Low in pulling off Malaysia’s Heist of the Century….

Malaysia And Modern Slavery – ‘PM Must Take Control’

Migrant rights campaigner Andy Hall has exposed numerous forced labour scandals in Malaysia. He says modern slavery has become endemic in the country owning to the corrupt abuse of regulations imposed on guest workers to the country, which land them in debt and beholden to their traffickers and employers. He has condemned the recent hand out of vast new quotas for extra workers without sufficient planning to ensure they are protected from the entrenched corrupt practices that need reform…

How Jho Low Illegally Funded Obama’s 2012 Presidential Campaign Through Rap Star Pras Michel & His Hollywood Pals!

It was Sarawak Report that first spotted the 1MDB linked donations into Democrat campaigns, alerting investigators in the United States. The present indictment against Pras Michel and Jho Low claims they funnelled $100 million in illegal cash to gain influence over President Obama and the US government. The rap star recruited his friends as “Straw Donors” to hide the the real source of the prohibited foreign money….

Kuwaiti ‘Criminal Conspiracy’ Netted Over One Billion Dollars From Malaysia Through Najib/Jho Low

The Kuwaiti criminal court has now published its judgement against what it describes as an “organised criminal group” consisting of Jho Low; Sheikh Sabah, son of the former Kuwait prime minister; his lawyer, Saud Abdelmohsan; a former businesss partner, Bachar Kiwan and Jho Low’s Kuwaiti friend, Hamad Al Wazzan who shared the proceeds of “funds seized from the Malaysian government” totalling in excess of a billion dollars. How much will Malaysia get back and what about the damages?…….

Ten Years In Jail! New Kuwait Judgement – BREAKING NEWS!

The son of Kuwait’s former prime minister, Jho Low’s college mate and Malaysia’s own top fugitive, Jho Low himself, have all been found guilty of laundering hundreds of millions in stolen Malaysian money used by Najib to cover up 1MDB in a landmark ruling by the Gulf state…….

Who Influences The Real Influencers?

The UK media regulator OFCOM’s rules preclude the awarding of broadcast TV licences to any entity that holds a party political or public policy agenda. But it appears that is exactly what has been allowed to happen after the recent takeover of GB News….

KTS Says “Not Us”!

SR has received an anonymously written email, purporting to be from GT Plywood, angrily refuting that the activities in Baram described in our previous article were linked either to that company or to the wider group controlled by the KTS Lau family. So, will KTS give us a full interview about their actual operations? So far, no answer……

IPIC Admits Guilt But Malaysia Loses Out On Billions Owed

Abu Dhabi’s IPIC has eaten humble pie, having climbed down from demanding $6 billion it had claimed 1MDB owed and instead ponied up $1.8 billion in reparations to 1MDB over its criminal complicity in the heist from which senior figures in the Gulf state raked hundreds of millions of dollars. It is a stunning victory for Malaysia, but it was owed so much more…..

Did Goldman Sachs Violate The Terms Of Its DPA With A Repeat Criminal Bribery Of Malaysian Officials In 2020?

Back in 2020, the extraordinary circumstances surrounding Goldman Sachs’ lightening resolution of its dispute with the Malaysian company 1MDB shortly after the coup led by Muhyiddin Yassin raised several eyebrows. Did the cut price settlement involve a violation of its recently concluded Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the US Dept of Justice? It is time to reveal exactly what happened …….

Fifty Years Of Native Abuse In Sarawak Must End

The latest Penan blockade against loggers in the Baram area, and the way it has been handled, highlights a host of injustices facing the native people of Malaysia which this new reforming government must start to tackle. They must begin by according indigenous peoples their most basic rights of identity, something that plundering state officials have been reluctant to do …..

Among Equals – The Zahawi Family Entanglements With Jeffrey Archer

The mentor and patron behind Nadhim Zahawi’s early political career was disgraced Lord Archer whose record is dogged by controversies. One of these was the Anglia TV share scandal where Zahawi’s brother in law and close colleague on Archer’s campaigns, Broosk Saib, acted as proxy on what appeared as insider trading but was never prosecuted….

Matters For The Urgent Attention Of The Ethics Advisor

As HMRC boss says there are “no penalties for innocent errors” Sarawak Report learns the reported NCA investigation was closed the day Zawahi became chancellor. Were the millions earned by his Kurdish family company from Western financed reconstruction projects part of that investigation and did money pass to his London property portfolio?…..

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