Timber Mafia

How Sarawak’s Timber Barons Samling Are Evading A Multi-Million Dollar Court Judgement In PNG

As Malaysian timber bosses are reported for acts of intimidation against PNG campaigners who spoke out to SR, we reveal more scandalous evidence of the Sarawak mafia’s shameful record there and in Myanmar….

The Sarawak Timber Mafia’s Global Menace

Sarawak Report has researched the global reach of Sarawak’s timber mafia and we can reveal a web of logging interests that have spread into every remaining tropical timber region of the planet. This extraordinary penetration by Sarawak’s top timber companies is the result of the system promoted by the Mahmud regime, which funnelled virtually all

The Penan – Still Struggling to Save Our Jungle [FILM TRIBUTE]

The Penan are the iconic people of the Sarawak jungle. Most communities had settled into villages and rural life of one form or another over the last hundred years, but the Penan steadfastly stuck to their nomadic ways. With just a few possessions, easily carried on their backs, they have had nothing to lose but the jungle they live from[..]

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