Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Ali Baba’s Cave

Sarawakians will not be surprised to hear that this election’s bribe headquarters is in the house of CM Adenan at Santubong. No doubt large numbers of police who ought to be out catching wrongdoers are stationed at the chief wrongdoer’s house to guard these illicit funds.

Voters would be justified in asking how such huge funds have been amassed by a simple Minister on a simple Minister’s salary. But they wont bother as they all know how the CM is the paid creature of the timber stealing lobby, the public funds stealing lobby, the crooked contractors lobby and so on.

The one exception in this funding bonanza is former CM Taib who prefers to keep his ill gotten billions for himself now that he is no longer needing to buy votes to stay in power.  Instead he has bought arch thief Najib as his protector and client.

The only issue in this election is whether BN, once more, will be able to buy a majority as always in the past or whether Sarawakians finally realise how they have been cheated for nearly fifty years and kick out this disgusting nest of criminals.  Its all up to them.

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