Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Australian Justice

After prolonged efforts by certain members of the Australian justice system not only to deny practice rights to someone entitled to them but also to attack his character there is light at the end of the tunnel.

The disgraceful decision not to allow someone who had duly qualified to practice law to do so on the grounds that he had upset some self regarding members of the judiciary and legal establishment bore the stamp of approval of no less a person than the Chief Justice of the State in question.

That so eminent a person could lend himself to so disgraceful and unjust a decision must cause deep anxiety.  It is simply not good enough and the Australian Prime Minister should take personal notice of this incident, appoint an appropriate enquiry and act without hesitation on its findings. In Latin, rather than Strine, Fiat justitia, ruat caelum.

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