Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Come home Jho!

As if he would! It may be a secret for MACC where mega crook Jho Low is hiding but for most Malaysians it is a secret of polichinelle. What is more there is no secret about why the Power in question is ignoring Its international duty to return wanted mega criminals to their home jurisdiction.

It is a simple matter of a deal. Beijing backed the wrong horse in Najib, one more victim of his bluffs and lies. Now they are trying to recover their influence in Malaysia by simple blackmail. You want Jho Low. Here is what we want.

As long as it thinks that Jho has value as a bargaining counter it will shelter him. Well Justice has a long arm and great patience. Jho will fall into the net sooner or later and Kuala Lumpur can afford to wait. Unlike Beijing it has no immediate needs and can afford to let the CPG continue to display the contempt it clearly feels for justice and the rule of law.

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