Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Delayed Justice

After all the farcical delays in trying arch criminal Najib now comes the news that his former deputy will not be tried until July!

Malaysians will be perfectly justified in wondering what is going on with all these delays. While legal dodging on the part of defenders is to be expected it has become farcical where UMNO criminal leaders are concerned.

If is is really the case that sitting judges are deemed to be biassed n favour of UMNO or BN then appoint new ones!. There can be as many Judicial Commissioners as may be necessary to clear the workload in the Court system. They have been resorted to in the past and can be used again.

It is intolerable to Malaysians that their Courts appear incapable of dealing with mega criminals more than a year after their arrests. If, as may be the case, it is feared that impartial judges cant be found to try massive criminal cases then there is an unarguable case for an enquiry into the Judicial system in the round. Malaysians MUST be able to trust in their Courts and Judges or else all democracy is at risk of dissolution, leading to the cruel rule of criminal politicians such as Najib Razak and his fellow criminals.

PH must act now to resolve this situation or see democracy implode under the pressure of bosskus, new and old.

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