Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Fact As Opposed To Fiction

PAS leaders continue to make public denials that they or their party paid RM1.4 million to Sarawak Report editor Clare Rewcastle  to permit the withdrawal of their libel case against her in London AND her counter-claim.

Unhappily for them, no matter how often they claim that lying is permitted, the facts remain the facts. So why try to deny them? Could it be that they do not want their member base to know the truth? To know that money collected by PAS was not for whatever use it was claimed, but to pay for the mistakes of the PAS leadership?

Would such stupidity and deviousness so damage their reputations and leadership roles that they might have to give way to others?

Or does their self-proclaimed sanctity wipe away all stupidity, all bad faith and all attempts to hoodwink PAS supporters? After all no one else will believe for a second the childish lying to which PAS leaders have recently resorted.

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