Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Fox In The Hen house

It is reported that BN boss and ex Deputy Prime Minister Zahid is to be nominated as Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee of the Assembly! And nominated by PH!

This particular committee was, during the time in office of mega thief Najib, a principal means of covering up BN’s thefts of public funds; and other criminal activity.

PH’s motive in nominating an opposition member to the post is in principle laudable. Provided that the said opposition is both honest and democratic. On the BN record neither of these conditions are met.

Zahid may have been, as claimed, the only candidate for the post but it is hardly sensible to nominate someone who will inevitably be the subject of criminal investigation and very probably prosecution, in the immediate future.

It is important for PH both for reputational and practical purposes not to let anything, including the chairmanship of Assembly committees, to get in the way of cleaning house after the long years of BN corruption and worse. While practice may require that such jobs are given to opposition members in this case PH would be wise to follow BN precedent and appoint one of their own to this important job.

Parliamentary practice and precedent were designed to guide the working of a democratically elected administration. They should not provide a cover of respectability to crooks.

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