Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Hopeful Grassroots?

Najib relative and protégé ex Defence Minister Hishamuddin used that phrase to promote his call for action by the UMNO leadership.

Since he has always been the puppet of his relative Najib one is entitled to assume that his call represents Najib’s reaction to the wave of UMNO defections.

Why either of them should think that the “grassroots” of UMNO would listen to a word that either of them has to say will be beyond most Malaysians. Ex President Najib and current President Zahid both stand on the edge of long prison sentences and have no credibility of any kind with the voters (PAS excepted)

If the grassroots do, or are allowed to do, anything it will most probably be to call for the dissolution of a party irretrievably tarnished by mass corruption of its leadership and then, if they are sensible, to decide to back PH.

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