Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Intelligence Agency?

The details now becoming public about the appeal to a foreign intelligence agency by, a clearly hopelessly unqualified, boss of its Malaysian counterpart (if such a description can be applied to the MEIO) to pay money to help fiddle the result of GE14 are risible in the extreme.

It is hard, if not actually impossible, to find a parallel in real life. Maybe the Marx Brothers came closest? Or Charlie Chaplin as the Great Dictator!

More important though than the lady’s antics (which must have been prompted by her then boss, Prime Minister Najib) are the latest developments in which a number of her immediate subordinates have been arrested. So it is not a case of a fruitcake in charge but a secret Ali Baba’s band all after the (unaccountable) funds meant to secure “intelligence” They seem to have bought morons instead.

Probably the best solution would be to stop trying to play in the world of “intelligence” unless with the help of people possessing some. It didn’t need a “secret service” to know what Najib was up to and to aim for a competent and honest police force should probably be the current target.

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