Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Lying Is Permissible

The recent public statement by PAS to that effect has, among other things, the result that no one can believe a word that any of their leaders says. Not that many Malays, apart from their brainwashed element of supporters, believes, or ever believed, any of their political claims.

Why then should PAS leader Takiyuddin expect anyone, PAS supporter or not, to believe him when he claims that PAS paid nothing to settle its failed London libel action? How are his supporters to determine when he is telling the truth or, (permissably) lying? Can he or his guru Hadi Awang issue a fatwa or other similarly convincing statement to back up this clearly false utterance?

There must be many PAS supporters, whose votes are being solicited at Semenyih, who find it difficult to understand why the enemy of decades (BN) is now the friend and ally. There is one believable explanation. Money. Can, and will, the so upright Hadi deny that?

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