Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Making Recommendations – What’s Wrong With Malaysia’s Police

Speaking about an aspect of the recent temple problems IGP Fuzi told reporters that “we will be making recommendations to the Attorney General”

This remark highlights what is wrong with the PDRM culture and explains why some Malaysians think that the PDRM, or its command element, more closely resemble the police forces of dictatorships than forces dedicated to serving the public.

The PDRM will NOT be “making recommendations.” They will, if anything, be submitting to the Public Prosecutor what they call an Investigation Paper. That will set out what the PDRM think may have been an offence committed and ask for the directions of the DPP on further action, if any.

Making this important distinction is not “nitpicking” as might be alleged. It is fundamental to the process of law and order in the country and if the Police do not understand that there is need for a major programme of re-education in the higher ranks.

That will not come from the present management of the Force; all of whom were appointed by the BN government. A thorough review of the PDRM leadership is an urgent necessity. Maybe an RCI would be the best way to do that?

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