Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Non Muslims ‘Running The Country’

This latest outburst by PAS guru Hadi Awang shows how far the extremist Muslim contingency fail to understand the meaning of the word democracy. It appears that they think that only a professing Muslim is fit to be a member of the Cabinet and to hold the Prime Ministership.

Well we have news fir him  First there IS a Muslim Prime Minister. Second while he demands the right to vote he would deny it to millions of his co-citizens on the basis that they do not she his religion. Where does he think he is living? In democratic Malaysia or the tiny slice of Syria where ISIS still hold their murderous sway?

Because that is what it is all about.  Hadi would react with fury if Malaysians were denied the right to practice Islam. So what conceivable right does he think he has to prevent fellow Malaysians from participating in the government of the country? If it were not for the fact that ISIL are about to become a despised part of history we would suggest that he re-locate there where he might find a more sympathetic audience for his racist maundering.

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