Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Playing The Race Card

Discredited as liars PAS are now attempting to play the race card by alleging that Tun Mahathir is the sole personality in PH who supports Malay interests!  The very many Malay personalities who are also in PH will be astonished as well as insulted by this latest PAS attempt to divert attention from the lying and double dealing of its leadership.

What PAS most dislikes about PH is that it is a party drawing support and leadership from all communities in Malaysia; not just from some Malays; as PAS.

While all sensible Malays are able to see PAS as a political dinosaur seeking to gain popularity by misusing Islam there are dangers in allowing such religious extremism to go unchecked. Anyone doubting that need only look at what has happened in Syria and Iran to see what damage religious extremism does to countries and peoples. Do any Malays, Hadi’s gang excepted, really want Malaysia to follow the ISIL route?

Malaysian Malays should unite to reject the vicious communalism promoted by PAS and, in the past, encouraged by UMNO and its Bossku. The future of Malaysia is bright now that the criminals have been ejected from office (and will soon be in prison). Communalism cannot be allowed to endanger that future and all responsible politicians should be saying so. Loud and clear.

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