Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Spreading Lies?

A junior, and possibly less than well briefed, member of the Sarawak State government claims that the proposed scheme in northern Sarawak which has caused much public concern is “outside the Mulu” area and will not result in de-forestation. So will the oil palms be planted among the forest trees that he claims will not be felled?!

Those accustomed to forty plus years of Ministerial lying in Sarawak will remain unimpressed by this statement. As everyone knows the Taib regime has destroyed most of Sarawak’s forest for personal gain and clearly intends to cut down what little remains.

The publication of the involvement of the son of the former Chief Minister in this sordid deal has not been denied; because it is undeniable. In addition to public disgust at this corruption it is to be hoped that the MACC will take official notice and start a long overdue campaign to clean up Sarawak’s dirty money politics.

As to the absurd suggestion that the Swiss NGO, said by the Minister to be involved, is acting simply to enlarge its funding that displays childlike ignorance and could only have been put forward by someone motivated by similar compulsions.

If the Federal government cannot interfere directly in a “State” matter it can, and should, tackle corruption wherever it appears. Najib is a crook but he has competition for the title of “Mega crook of Malaysia”

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