Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Terrorist Ideology?

A senior officer in the PDRM, reportedly charged with countering terrorism, is on record as saying that social media is a bigger terrorist threat than religious schools. Unfortunately he did not elaborate on this; giving rise to some unanswered questions.

Firstly what, if any, are the official statistics that prove his assertion to be correct? Or was he merely expressing a personal opinion? In the latter case it would seem that he needs to be more cautious in opening his mouth while on public record.

If there ARE any such statistics he, or Bukit Aman, should release them in the proper way so that the public can be properly informed rather than having to be content with off the cuff remarks made by individual police officers.

Your views are valuable to us, but Sarawak Report kindly requests that comments be deposited in suitable language and do not support racism or violence or we will be forced to withdraw them from the site.


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