Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Vote For Me Or Starve

Sarawak hit a new low this week. In a situation of national emergency local politicians grabbed the emergency funds meant to prevent Sarawakians from starving during lock down and blatantly distributed to those whom they know, or think, will vote for them in the upcoming State election. How low can you get?

Much lower, it appears. Not only have the emergency food relief funds been hijacked by the PN supporting GPS but their local representatives are blatantly discriminating in the issue of emergency foodstuffs. Known GS supporters receive the full allocation of emergency food while known opposition supporters get half, or in some cases, none at all.

How low can you get? Starving fellow Sarawakians because they may not vote for you. This is a  new GPS tactic. While in the past elections have been bought by handouts of food, drink and blatant bribery (all ignored by the Police and other authorities) now the new way to win is to kill off opposition supporters by starving them and their families to death?

Most notable of all has been the complete lack of interest by State Ministers in these callous abuses. It may safely be assumed that they have all they can eat and so are not concerned if fellow citizens are starving. That at best. More probably these abuses are deliberate and the lack of action to correct them just as deliberate. How low can you get?

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