Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site


It is reported that “tribal chiefs” have negated resistance by the native people of Sarawak to yet more forest destruction in favour of oil palm plantation in the Mulu area.

Understandably the reports do not name or otherwise identify these ,so-called,tribal leaders but that does not prevent the usual suspicion that Sarawak timber interests, both business and political, have once more bribed acceptance of the destruction of their peoples livelihood by a handful of corrupt “chiefs”. These latter hold their “titles” courtesy of the Sarawak State government and NOT by choice of their fellow natives.  So it is no surprise that they have, once more, sold out their fellow tribespeople for derisory bribes.

It is past time that such native leaders be elected by those over whose houses or areas they preside rather than chosen by the State in a disgraceful continuation of White Rajah and colonial practice. In the meanwhile careful note should be kept of all such instances as this latest with a view to prosecution when PH stop playing footsie with mega criminal Taib and work to secure victory in the next State election.

A start could be made by letting MACC probe the vast mess of corruption which is the GPS government and its business supporters. That would end with most of those concerned ending up where they deservedly belong.  Jail.

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