Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Lying Is Permissible

The recent public statement by PAS to that effect has, among other things, the result that no one can believe a word that any of their leaders says. Not that many Malays, apart from their brainwashed element of supporters, believes, or ever believed, any of their political claims. Why then should PAS leader Takiyuddin expect […]

Criminal Defamation

The withdrawal of the charge against PH personalty Ramli will come as no surprise. It should never have been brought and would not have been except under the criminal regime of BN and Najib Razak. While there is still merit in retaining a criminal offence of defamation for circumstances where the more usual civil proceedings

Academic Issue

With all respect to the Federal Court its decision to treat the legality of the appointments to the Chief Justiceship and to membership of the Court of Appeal by persons who later resigned those appointments as an “academic issue” might be semantically correct but it is nevertheless erroneous. What is at issue here is whether

Internecine Rivalry

Press reports indicate that a decision by Bersatu to extend its activities to Sarawak might result in PKR having to give up some of the seats it holds in the State Assembly. While such reports are, in all probability, inaccurate, if not totally fabricated, the facts of the matter are that Bersatu is, basically, a

Lesson Not Learned?

In the last general election the pattern of communal voting, in place for decades, broke down. A multi racial party, PH secured a convincing, if unexpected, majority on a platform of clean government. Since corruption had been a feature of Malaysian politics for a long period it was an unexpected result and stemmed, in all

Spreading Lies?

A junior, and possibly less than well briefed, member of the Sarawak State government claims that the proposed scheme in northern Sarawak which has caused much public concern is “outside the Mulu” area and will not result in de-forestation. So will the oil palms be planted among the forest trees that he claims will not

New Top Cops?

An official announcement indicates that the replacements for the departing IGP and his Deputy have been identified by the Home Ministry and that these names will be submitted shortly to the Prime Minister. In so acting the Ministry have simply blatantly ignored the whole dismal record of the PDRM leadership since the time of IGP

Counting On The State

Federal Minister Theresa Kok announced that she was counting on the Sarawak State government to address the scandal of the proposed Mulu deforestation project to make way for a massive oil palm plantation. There is no need to comment on the Minister’s planned approach to the, totally corrupt, Sarawak state government. She can take it

Judicial Abuses

If only because top Judges were illegally appointed to extended terms in the Federal Court and the Court of Appeal there should be a Royal Commission of Enquiry into abuse of and by the Judiciary more generally and recent instances re-inforce the need for that. It is unthinkable that abuse of any kind can find

Playing The Race Card

Discredited as liars PAS are now attempting to play the race card by alleging that Tun Mahathir is the sole personality in PH who supports Malay interests!  The very many Malay personalities who are also in PH will be astonished as well as insulted by this latest PAS attempt to divert attention from the lying

No Big War Chest

Says mega criminal Najib referring to the fact that UMNO are out of power. In other words he admitted that when in office he,and UMNO had used public funds to support their activities, poltical and criminal. No surprise there but the admission can be used as evidence against him and other UMNO personalities at their


This blot on the political landscape has recently re-surfaced though not in an election result altering way. The whole essence of democracy by popular majority vote is that at least a majority of the electors can see a result to their political liking and an administration which may, though it sometimes does not, do what

Non Muslims ‘Running The Country’

This latest outburst by PAS guru Hadi Awang shows how far the extremist Muslim contingency fail to understand the meaning of the word democracy. It appears that they think that only a professing Muslim is fit to be a member of the Cabinet and to hold the Prime Ministership. Well we have news fir him 

Lying Is Permissible

Speaking in public PAS boss Hadi made the statement that lying is permissable. No matter how he tries, or other PAS bosses will in future try, to spin that public admission it is there for all to see. Who wants to see a liar in public office or feel unable to accept anything a political

The Borneo States

It has long been apparent that some in Sarawak and Sabah are in favour of abandoning their special status under the Malaysia Agreement of 1963. Now it appears that there are also those who favour a merger of Sarawak and Sabah into a singe State in the Federation of Malaysia. The initiative appears to stem

Judicial Abuses

If only because top Judges were illegally appointed to extended terms in the Federal Court and the Court of Appeal there should be a Royal Commission of Enquiry into abuse of and by the Judiciary more generally and recent instances re-inforce the need for that. It is unthinkable that abuse of any kind can find

Foreign Funding

The Deputy President of PAS is reported as saying that “foreign funding” was more dangerous than anything PAS had done in the matter of collecting money. It appears that he was alleging that the DAP had received such funding and worse, in his opinion, from Israel. If he has any evidence, as opposed to prejudice,

Waste Of Time; Waste Of Public Money

The clarifications afforded by the Home Minister concerning the PDRM “jolly” to Istanbul do no more than show that he and his officials either did not know, or realise, that this trip was connected to possible Totalisator fraud. Had he been made aware he would surely have queried why so many police officers needed to

Delaying Tactics

The attempts to delay the first of many trials of Najib Razak for a whole series of major criminal offences may have inflated lawyers fees but have no other result. Since it has become apparent in recent weeks and months that Najib is using his freedom on bail terms to engage in political activity to

A ‘Fond’ Farewell From Taxpayers?

The disclosure that nearly twenty senior police officers, headed by the IGP and his Deputy (both about to retire according to official statements) have travelled to Turkey for some, so far, unannounced purpose will come as a shock to taxpayers, especially as the two top officers in the party are about to retire. Had a

A Start But Not Enough

The announcement by the Home Minister that replacements for the IGP and his deputy (said to be both retiring shortly) makes a start to the long overdue process of cleaning up the PDRM and must be welcomed as such. But this is far from enough to deal with the chronic malaise existing within the PDRM

Rich Teachers!

A PAS personality is on record as saying that if “a teacher” can afford to buy a car for RM200,000 there is no reason why he cannot  afford one costing half that sum. It is a pity that he could not, or did not, name the fortunate teacher who, in addition to all his daily

Police Reports

Hardly a day passes when the public are not treated to statements by individuals that they have lodged “police reports” A good deal of fringe politics appear to be conducted on this basis. But what are the facts? Certainly the Police are obliged to listen to any members of the public who say that he

Ban Lifte

  The Sate of Sabah has got round, months after GE14, to lifting its immigration ban on certain political personalities based in the Peninsula. A good move, albeit somewhat tardy. Which reminds us that the neighbouring State of Sarawak, now a partner in the PH government, has steadfastly maintained its similar ban on a number

Australian Justice

After prolonged efforts by certain members of the Australian justice system not only to deny practice rights to someone entitled to them but also to attack his character there is light at the end of the tunnel. The disgraceful decision not to allow someone who had duly qualified to practice law to do so on

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