Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

“Innocent” CID chief

Following in the footsteps of his predecessor and role model Khalid, current IGP Fuzi “cleared” his CID chief of all blame and criminal responsibility. Poor chap, he had even had his “promotion” delayed while his Australian escapade was being investigated! This “innocent” CID chief persists that he does not want his money back as the Australian […]

Ignorant Diplomat ?

The Malaysian High Commissioner in London, in a letter to a London periodical, accused the latter of insulting Malaysia in every possible way. He even went to the length of including Prime Minister Najib in his list of insultees. Presumably this “diplomat” is unaware that he is posted in a country which, apart from being the

No free speech

Once again the High Court has ruled that the absurd and totally undemocratic Multimedia Communications Act prevents Malaysians from saying what hey think. The Court may be right in the sense of a technical interpretation of this undemocratic law though the Federal Court has yet to rule on its constitutionality. Don’t hold your breath here as that


The news that the Indonesian authorities have seized mega crook Jho Low’s mega yacht at the request of the US authorities, as evidence of Jho’s criminal behaviour, is welcome. So is the parallel news that the US authorities have moved from civil proceedings in the 1MDB scandal to preparing criminal prosecutions. If Jho, upset by

Some of the richest.

Referring to successful business tycoons arch thief Najib, tycoon crook , said that these winners owed their success and wealth to “government policies” Unfortunately he did not elaborate what he meant by that statement. Did he mean that such tycoons perceived opportunities and exploited them, gaining great wealth in the process, or did he mean

Quis custodiet?

There has been an intriguing silence at Bukit Aman recently. Back in the days of comic Khalid we could expect a laugh, or a groan, a week from the buffoon in charge there. But now? Well it is only to be expected that an ex head of the Special Branch would take time to develop

More at Home

This is what Najib’s wife Rosmah had to say about her own house and the PM’s official residence. She, poor lady, appears to feel out of place among the taxpayer funded splendours of the official residence and prefers the “humble” surroundings of her own home. So she says! Why then is this humble, home loving

Fined for insulting Najib!

The unfortunate victim of the kangaroo law governing use of the media in Malaysia found himself condemned to a massive fine for “insulting Najib” Presumably the “judge” who imposed this penalty had never heard of 1MDB or read the US DoJ’s comprehensive proof that Najib is a mega criminal! How does anyone insult a mega


A Press report covers an interview between the paper and one ISHAM JALAIL, described as the “Special Officer” to the Prime Minister. That description in itself is of much more interest than what Isham had to say. Are not civil servants forbidden from engaging openly in politics? Are they not neutral where political matters are


“We won’t allow any attempts to sabotage Malaysia/China relations.” Who said that? Mega thief Najib Razak who has been bought off by Beijing. The CPG gave him twice the amount allegedly needed to pay for for the phantom East Coast railway project so that he could pay half 1MDB’s debt to IPIC. It is interesting


Few will be surprised to hear Financial Secretary Irwan’s announcement that the so called BRiM will begin to be paid very soon. He failed to add that GE14 would also be held very soon. No one should be surprised that the FS’s boss, mega crook Najib, has devised this means of making the taxpayer finance


“We won’t allow any attempts to sabotage Malaysia/China relations.” Who said that? Mega thief Najib Razak who has been bought off by Beijing. The CPG gave him twice the amount allegedly needed to pay for for the phantom East Coast railway project so that he could pay half 1MDB’s debt to IPIC. It is interesting

Blind Judge

Delivering the “judgment” of the Court of Appeal the judge concerned stated that Assemblyman Tony Pua could not succeed because, among other pretexts, the Court had “taken judicial notice” of the decision by the Attorney General to “clear” arch thief Najib. Possibly the judge who uttered this outstanding sophistry, and who will certainly be an

100 Carat Nonsense!

Diamond Lil, otherwise known as real PM Rosmah Mansor, went public in addressing a Felcra women’s gathering claiming that she was afraid of arch criminal, husband and PM Najib! Afraid of what? Wife beating? A new aspect of this thief not previously known to the public. Infidelity? Surely not. What woman would want to associate

Words of Wisdom!

In a pitch supporting investment by the CPG and Chinese nationals in Malaysia Minister Mustafa Mohamed said a number of thoughtless and silly things. But he did end up, no doubt unintentionally, with some pre-election advice for Malaysian voters. They must, he said, choose a government that is consistent in carrying out short term, medium

Year of the Dog

Arch thief Najib Razak just stated publicly that he hoped that this new Chinese year would bring good luck to BN! He might as well ask for alien invaders to assist in his usual poll fixing and related electoral crimes! The difference this time Najib is that now the electorate KNOW that you are a

Wasted Effort

The Bar Council, trying as they should to proceed in conformity with the law, are seeking judicial intervention to determine the legality, or otherwise, of the extension of appointments of Chief Justice Raus and the President of the Court of Appeal. Good. But a waste of time. The facts of the matter are beyond dispute.

The right track?

Najib Razak has issued a statement that Malaysia enjoyed economic growth of a percentage point above the figure for 2016. This he claimed indicated that Malaysia is “on the right track” If that were true why did he need to beg huge sums from the Bank Negara to pay 1MDB’s debts to IPIC? A flourishing

Prosper the Country?

Multi-millionaire, or billionaire? Ex CM of Sarawak Taib Mahmud has issued a message praising the Sarawak Chinese community for its part in nation building! It is far more accurate to say that that community, or rather a small part of it, has played a vital part in fortune building for Taib himself. While he specialised

Caesar’s Wife

Is traditionally to be regarded as “above suspicion” That is not a category to which any UMNO executive can aspire. So it is worrying to find a former head of the Election Commission urging PAS to form an alliance with a “larger party” That can only be code for UMNO since no other political party

Latest Appeal Court Comedy

The Court of Appeal, notorious for twisting the law, or where that is too difficult, simply ignoring it has now excelled itself by “clearing” arch thief Najib Razak. The judges concluded that since the Attorney General, and others, whose function it is not, had “cleared” Najib the Pua case to stay an injunction could not

Noh receipt

This overweight BN politician was photographed handing out large denomination bank notes to persons attending a public meeting he had arranged. When queried about this and accused of attempting to bribe voters he stupidly replied that it was Government money he was handing out. Is he too ignorant, or too corrupt not to know that

Bottom of the market

Leading figures in the Kuala Lumpur property market have started to issue dire warnings about price drops for luxury homes and apartments. Such properties are no longer selling for the high prices demanded before the 1MDB and more recent government scandals. Nothing surprising there. That market was held up to some extent by dishonestly acquired

Back down to earth

After posing as an expert in public communications at a BN organised event in Sabah IGP Fuzi came back down to earth with a bump when questioned about the missing husband of the Indian lady recently in the news over child adoption and religion. The missing husband, one Ridzuan, has apparently been sought by the

Slanderous and seditious news

A new journalistic category, so far undefined in law, but apparently clear in the mind of IGP Fuzi who spoke, mostly nonsense, at length at the opening ceremony of Najib’s latest effort to combat the truth on social media. In these matters Fuzi may lay claim to some hands-on experience. Until his recent elevation he

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