
Why Did USD$1.16 Billion of 1MDB’s Money Go Into An Account Controlled By Jho Low?

After weeks of avoidance this is the simple question that the former and present Chief Executives of 1MDB must answer. So too must their boss the Prime Minister/ Finance Minister……

KPMG – Auditors Or Fraudsters?

Sarawak Report has uncovered evidence, which indicates the supposedly independent auditors KPMG helped ‘cook the books’ at 1MDB, while auditing the fund’s initial accounts for the period ending March 2010….

Najib “Clears Jho Low”? Further Emails Raise Further Questions

The Prime Minister’s Office’s key blog of the moment, The Rakyat Post, sought to put all concerns to rest yesterday over 1MDB. It reported that the Prime Minister had “cleared” Jho Low and was able to “explain” to the public that “all decisions and dealings of 1MDB was done by the management and board of

Were 1MDB Auditors “Complicit”? Queries DAP

The release of documents by Sarawak Report relating to the joint venture between the development fund 1MDB (One Malaysia Development Berhad) and the firm PetroSaudi has created new insights into matters that have long been left woefully under-explained by the official accounts, say critics. Among those who have protested at the lack of transparency over

From 1MDB To The UBG Bank Buy Out – How The USD$700 Million Was Managed

COPYRIGHT CLAIM: Sarawak Report is currently disputing a copyright claim issued by a non-existent company in the US, which is demanding that pictures of Jho Low cavorting at Cristal champagne drenched parties in public places in the South of France and United States be removed from public view.  These pictures have been available and widely circulated on

Jho Low’s People – A Life In The Day

Crucial to Jho Low’s life as a wheeler dealer financier has been his team of trusted insiders. Together, this band of close associates have circled the globe, enjoying a life of luxury and excess unimaginable to the bulk of ordinary Malaysians. Yet, it is those ordinary folk who are effectively funding it all, thanks to

Managing The Media And Then Foreign Policy – How Jho Low Took Over!

After Jho Low and his partners from PetroSaudi had completed the 1MDB deal, the management of public perceptions about what had happened clearly became crucial. The joint venture buccaneers can soon be seen to have started to wield the most extraordinary influence over the presentation of 1MDB and then even the management of Malaysia/Saudi relations,

Harrow playboy linked to troubled Malaysian fund (Sunday Times)

ARTICLE IN THE SUNDAY TIMES IN THE summer of 2009, a Malaysian nicknamed “the Whale” appeared on the New York nightclub scene. He would travel with a large entourage in a fleet of Cadillacs and his party would spend tens of thousands of dollars a night in the company of socialites such as Paris Hilton.

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