
Going ‘Green’ Requires Governance

Reports of illegal logging are rampant in Sarawak and time and again the response of the police, the forestry department, local officials and the state government is to do precisely nothing. Take for example this ongoing destruction by foreign workers for a mystery employer in Ulu Sebauh recorded just this week…..

Log Jam, What Log Jam? – Sarawak’s Director Of Forests Should Consider His Position

As thousands of tons of timber have hurtled destructively down river in Kapit over the past few days, provoked by heavy rains, a troubling set of unconvincing denials and changing stories have issued from the Forestry Department. Is there a reluctance to acknowledge uncomfortable truths about logging in the vicinity of the ‘totally protected’ wildlife sanctuary up river from the site?………

Rainforest Tribunal – BMF’s Indictment on Taib Mahmud

In the wake of the final passing of Sarawak’s strongman, Abdul Taib Mahmud, the Swiss NGO have issued their own tribute in the form of a documentary about his deeds. The Rainforest Tribunal was made in answer to the defamation lawsuit issued by Taib’s family members who have objected to the NGO’s claims about the Governor’s unexplained wealth and how they benefitted…..

Boxes of CASH?!

As uncertainties fly amidst official silence and the leakage of extraordinary evidence and pictures, some of which are now confirmed, there is one clear demand that should be made FREEZE ALL TAIB ASSETS!….

Is Ragad On Her Way Out Of Town?

Someone seems to be making major moves to leave Demak Jaya, the private home of the now ex-Governor Taib Mahmud. With still no news of his state of health the question is who is leaving and who will remain?……..

Bye Bye Crocodile?

Is Sarawak entering a new era of hope for its people and environment with the departure of Taib Mahmud? One would like to think so… except there are some glaring issues…..

Backdoor Governor?

Whilst Governor Taib Mahmud has been unceremoniously replaced, his elderly former henchmen remain well entrenched and have sought to further strengthen their grip on power in Sarawak – all in the name of increasing ‘autonomy’ for the native people ….

Blair Should Be Wary Of Building On Borneo

The plans for an ‘eco-city’ at Nusantara on the island of Borneo is fraught with environmental risk of global significance. Enthusiasts must hesitate from rushing in the name of progress where scientific experts would fear to tread …..

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