Advance Payment To Najib!

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Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has confirmed that the RM2.6 billion donation to his boss Najib Abdul Razak is acknowledgement for Malaysia’s efforts in combating terrorism.

He said the money was meant to ensure that Umno and BN continued to rule the country.

“When I asked (the donor’s representatives) why helped Umno […] they said because Malaysia is very committed to combating terrorism.

“Malaysia has the Prevention of Terrorism Act (Pota), the Penal Code, the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act (Sosma) because we don’t want terrorists,” he told delegates at the Sri Gading Umno division meet today.

He said he other reason behind the donation was because Malaysia was a Sunni country which practiced the “true tenets of Islam”.

Zahid’s claims corroborates Kuantan Umno division chief Wan Adnan Wan Mamat’s remarks on Aug 16 that the donations was a token of appreciation for Malaysia’s fight against the Islamic State terrorists.

‘They don’t want contracts’

Earlier, Sri Gading Umno chief Abdul Aziz Kaprawi also said that the donation was meant to help stave off the “Jewish backed” DAP threat in the last elections.

Najib’s critics have repeatedly questioned whether the RM2.6 billion was indeed a donation.

So, it has been confirmed (by no less than the Deputy Prime Minister) that the Middle Eastern Man of Mystery, who ‘donated’ the PM RM2.6 billion in March 2013 did so in gratitude for his action against ISIS.

In which case it must have been an advance payment, in an uncanny  expectation of future developments.

ISIS did not even form till the following month!

“In April 2013, al-Baghdadi announced the merger of the ISI with al-Nusra Front and that the name of the reunited group was now the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).” [Wikipedia]

Malaysians must be wondering what front distant Malaysia has opened in the war against ISIS (being so many thousands of miles to the east with so many countries in between).

Perhaps Zahid could detail some of Najib’s actions for which he was advance paid…. and did he use the money that we have been led to understand was a donation to UMNO?

Have similar personal donations been offered to say President Obama and David Cameron, who have expended rather more visible effort in this matter?

Malaysians are cracking their sides laughing over these mounting ridiculous sets of excuses and explanations. Even the best schoolteacher jokes could not match such childish and inconsistent story-telling.

Seriously, however, UMNO has now admitted it rigged the election using foreign money – what say to that?

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