Arresting Christians And Confiscating Bibles

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During the raid, some 300 copies of the Bible in Bahasa Malaysia and Iban were seized, and BSM president Lee Min Choon and its manager Sinclair Wong were detained before being released at 4pm.

Various Muslim groups have also called for action to be taken against the editor of the Catholic weekly, Herald, Rev Father Lawrence Andrew who had said that Catholic churches in Selangor would continue to use the word Allah in their weekend services in Bahasa Malaysia, which are primarily attended by Sabah and Sarawak folk.

So, these JAIS extremists have indicated how they want to kick off 2014 in Malaysia, by illegally confiscating Iban and Malay Bibles and illegally detaining Christian leaders.

These ‘religious police’ are trouble-makers, who exploit the genuine wish of law-abiding and religious folk to do what is right.  They thrive from causing trouble and they spend their time looking for alleged insults, which they can then angrily react against and attack people over.

Good Muslims should consider to what extent they want these bullies to take over their lives.  Meanwhile, the Malaysian Government should do their job and rein in these big-heads and loud-mouths, before the country slides into strife and misrule.


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