Best Keep It Professional With Politicians

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This was after the press reported a remark by Hasan that Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak would not be summoned before the PAC over 1MDB, because he (Hasan) needed to “cari makan.”

Hasan said the joke was not meant to be reported, and did not mean he needed to make a living.

Instead, he claimed it literally meant he was looking for food.

This was because the PAC had provided lunch for the media that day.

Hasan did not say the joke was off the record.

Might this be a useful caution for the Malaysian media?

Accepting hospitality is most civilised, however it de-professionalises the relationship between the journalist and his subject.

Elsewhere, journalists generally refuse to accept perks of any kind for fear of being compromised or considered as such.  Those who accept such “freebies” live in danger of being exposed and scorned.

Yet, increasingly in Malaysia there seems to be a culture encouraged by politicians of pampering and rewarding journalists, with makan, prizes, parties, awards … and even in some cases, Sarawak Report has heard, straight tips!

Best, to politely say no to these cheap blandishments and then there will be no such expectations about “off the record” and “on the record”!

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