Equality. Sarawak style.

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Sri Aman will be getting its own Islamic complex soon, making it the fourth one in the state after Kuching, Sibu and Miri. Construction of the RM50 million complex will commence in July.

According to Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister’s Office (Islamic Affairs) Datuk Daud Abdul Rahman, it will take about 30 months to complete. The construction cost is funded by Tabung Baitumal Sarawak and will be built on a six acre piece of land next to Taman Panorama Benak (in front of the Sri Aman Resident’s Office).

“It will house government offices, with a commercial centre to be built around the complex,” he said in a press conference during the Majlis Tilawah Al-Quran Peringkat Negeri Sarawak 1436H/2015 at Sri Aman Resident’s Office yesterday. Daud said the laying of the foundation stone for the seven-storey complex will be performed by Sarawak Head of State Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud at 11am, March 29.

On the same day Sarawak local papers carried two contrasting stories, one about a RM50 million Islamic centre in Sri Aman and another about a longhouse in the same area destroyed by a fire 12 years ago and the problems faced by those who lived there surviving in a ramshackle, makeshift “temporary” building.

When that longhouse burned down the then and present Deputy CM, Iban champion Jabu  promised to help the people living there by arranging a replacement buiding. Of  course that did not happen!  Iban champion Jabu is long on promises and permanently short on performance; except of course in matters in whch he has a personal interest. Clearly this longhouse is not one of them and he has shown his usual indifference to his fellow Ibans.

Apart from the personal failure of Jabu to help fellow Ibans in trouble, there is a marked contrast when it comes to Malay/Melanau projects.  For the Islamic Centre the 50 million WILL be available and a BN linked contractor will make the usual killing. The foundation stone will be laid by corrupt former CM Taib and the present holder, Adenan, will be present to show approval, continuity and the efforts made and to be made to assist the Islamic minority in Sarawak while continuing indifference to the indigenous majority.

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