Madness Prevails At The Headless MACC

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The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has obtained an explanation from the source of the RM2.6 billion donation deposited into Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s personal bank accounts.

However, the commission said it cannot reveal the identity of the donor, whom it said was from the Middle East.

“MACC obtained details of the donor from bank documents and found there were four letters submitted to the bank when the large sum of money was deposited into the prime minister’s accounts.

“In the documents, it was stated that the RM2.6 billion was donation,” read the statement.

The commission said it would now question the prime minister to get his side of the story.

The statement was not signed by any official. MACC chief Abu Kassim Mohamed is currently on leave while his deputy Mohd Shukri Abdull is abroad.

MACC’s statement today corroborated a leaked video in which former deputy prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin said Najib had admitted to receiving RM2.6 billion from a Middle Eastern source.

So far Najib has not denied receiving the money, only saying that he had never used it for personal gain.

Just yesterday these headless and nameless MACC spokespeople announced that the matter of the RM2.6 billion had not formed part of their own investigations in the task force.

Yet hours later the same anonymous and unsupervised officials announced that nonetheless they were able to “clear” the Prime Minister on the matter of the RM2.6 billion.

Meanwhile, several of their most senior colleagues, who had been engaged in the task force investigation, were being arrested, detained and questioned by police – allegedly for leaking a document that had earlier been claimed to be forged.

This document was one drawn up by the Attorney General’s Office – a charge sheet against the Prime Minister.

The charge sheet did not of course relate to the mysterious RM2.6 billion, which the anonymous MACC chaps have for some reason carried on investigating outside of their own declared remit (in order to announce a few moments ago that the donor is an anonymous Middle Eastern and is therefore “clear”).

The charge sheet related to a separate matter entirely, one which the MACC have acknowledged they are indeed detailed to investigate, which concerns the money taken from the publicly funded SRC International sent into another account of the Prime Minister’s – specifically a RM27 million payment last December.

Could the MACC please update on their progress on this SRC matter, which is what they are actually entitled to report on, rather than matters over which they have been given no jurisdiction i.e. the RM2.6 billion and could we beg for a little more consistency?

(we understand times are tough, given that the police have just raided the MACC once more to interrogate officers about the leaked charge sheet, which we can now regard as thoroughly authenticated as the reason why the Attorney General was sacked by the Prime Minister just days ago).

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