Promises Are Cheap To Make And Cheap To Break

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Caretaker deputy prime minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has offered a RM25 million allocation for the Sungai Petani parliamentary and three state constituencies if the Barisan Nasional (BN) wins all the seats in the 14th general election (GE14).

He said from the amount RM10 million would be specially allocated to the Sungai Petani parliamentary constituency for the construction of a 2,000-capacity hall and sports complex.

He said the Pantai Merdeka, Bakar Arang and Sidam state constituencies would be given RM5 million each.

“I feel sorry for the Sungai Petani voters for having to endure the heat under this tent. With an air-conditioned hall we won’t have to suffer like this.

SR feels sorry for Sungai Petani voters if they believe they will get the sports hall if BN wins. Forget it.

Sarawak is criss crossed with non-existent roads promised before elections, along with non-existent schools and hospitals.

If Zahid cared about a sports hall for these folk, his party has had 60 years to build it. Harapan is more likely to show gratitude than this bunch of self-entitled thieves, who are willing to do or say anything so they can get back into power and make themselves richer still – like the life-long politician Zahid, who brags how he has simultaneously become rich through business.

It seems an aside to add that it is illegal to offer election bribes of this nature.  When the election is over the truth is there will be no money to spend on luxuries for ordinary folk. It has all been squandered on Najib’s corruption and it is they who will have to pay the price.

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