Rats In A Sack

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In his speech, Zahid said Bersatu’s role would come into question if it fails to attract at least 6,000 votes for BN in the Slim by-election.

“I want to see 6,000 votes which went to Bersatu (in the general election) go to the BN candidate.

“If they can’t attract 6,000 or 8,000 votes, we must ask, what’s the value of political cooperation with them?

“Yes, we are together in the government, but don’t make us unimportant (melukut di tepi gantang).

“If they want to share, share it in the real sense. We don’t want to see Umno being used as the stepping stone. Please don’t mess with BN and Muafakat Nasional,” he said.

On the other hand, Zahid lauded PAS for its loyalty and honesty as a partner.

“Although they (PAS) never fielded a candidate in any by-election, their loyalty and honesty were undisputed,” he said.

Greeting their latest “ally” (the one who enabled them to snatch back power) with boos, UMNO/PAS have summed up the level of present politics in Malaysia.

Each to their own and stabbing one other in the back.

The UMNO leader Zahid then gave his new “allies” this lecture in front of voters from Slim – prove you are useful to us or we will destroy you. ‘Pleasant words’ towards these traitors from the previous government to whom UMNO owe their present jobs and perks?

Zahid, who is currently facing about 70 corruption charges, the details of which are being embarrassingly paraded through the courts, then praised UMNO’s other ally PAS (also former sworn political enemies who then opted for UMNO’s money). He called PAS “indisputably honest”.

In fact, the PAS leader Hadi has admitted to being a liar, which everyone already knew. He says he has been permitted by Allah and of course we can take Zahid’s word about honesty.

One can only feel sincerely sorry for the voters of Slim with such a choice before them.

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