‘Sinister Agenda’ To Expose Crooked Politicians Who Stole the Borneo Jungle!

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Malaysians warned to be weary of ‘serial liar’ Clare Rewcastle-Brown

Huan [Parti Cinta Malaysia’s (PCM) vice- president] said Brown has for years been “spreading lies” and been “contradictory” in her statements, making the likes of 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB), former Sarawak Chief Minister Tun Abdul Taib Mahmud and the Malaysian Palm Oil industry her “victims”.

One example of Brown’s contradictions that Huan noted was her 2011 denial, according to Global News Canada, that she received any money from Malaysian politicians and that her donors were “non-politically motivated Europeans”.

“Two years later (2013), Foreign Policy reported that ‘the funding for her radio, she says, comes primarily from a single European philanthropist who wishes to remain anonymous’; listeners also send donations through the website.

“Another two years later, she changes her tune.

“The Sun Daily reported, ‘Clare said Radio Free Sarawak (RFS) is largely funded by a reputable European foundation which focuses on rain-forest issues. We also receive…mainly small donations from people…through our site’s donation page’,” Huan cited in a blog post today.

Huan further alleged that in reality, European governments have been funding many non-governmental organisations and “green vigilantes” including The Forest Trust, World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) and Greenpeace.

“All who deceptively lobby against the Malaysian oil palm farmers and forest industry. Worse still, they claim to protect and to support those industries when behind the scenes, they work in a cloak and dagger manner to limit its production.”

….“She is a serial liar easily caught red-handed if one lines up all her contradictory statements.

“Under her cloak of environmentalism, Clare Brown has worked to spread lies about her targets and to rebut those who dare to disagree.

“Her channel of communication is her notorious Sarawak Report and social media with its sinister agenda, far beyond the noble campaign she claims to execute.”

Why do these people want to stand up and make fools of themselves?

Two years ago we indeed said we funded the radio station thanks to a European philanthropist who understandably does not want to engage with the sort of abuse this fellow puts out and therefore remains anonymous.

This philanthropist has set up a foundation, partially focused on rainforest and anti-corruption issues, which explains the support for Radio Free Sarawak.

Now we have added that we are increasingly benefitting also from various small donations from well-wishers. How does this make us serial liars?

Huan then makes an entirely untrue and unsubstantiated allegation alleging we are funded by European governments seeking to undermine the oil palm business!

Bingo, so he is happy to be a liar himself, while accusing others.

Certainly, our modest budget is not from stolen public money or money that was illegally earned.  People are in their perfect right to support our project.

If there was anything illegal in anything we did do we not imagine that these silly detractors would have gratefully long since attacked us through the courts on the matter?

People should indeed be wary of being told to be ‘weary’ (by people who cant even spell)!

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