We appoint you as leaders, now agree to our dams!

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A total of seven penghulu and one pemanca were appointed from among the Penan community as their representatives in Ulu Baram. Telang Usan assemblyman Dennis Ngau Jok said their appointment was proof that the government never neglected the minority race.

The newly appointed penghulu are Apek Bala from Long Beruang, Juwin Lihan from Long Win, Ajang Kiew from Long Sayan, Tebaran Siden from Long Balau, Dauk Suok from Long Jekitan, Kaleng Lenap from Long Lobang, John Bong from Long Main. The pemanca is Henneser Uning Bong from Long Lamei. Dennis described the appointments as a milestone and achievement for the community.

“Thus, Penan folks should open up to transformation not only in terms of leadership but also infrastructure development. We cannot reject or stop development, as it is only a matter of time for development to come to our village. Be it this week, next year or 10 years to come.”

The new appointment of several Penan men as “community leaders” is a blatant and obvious attempt by the state government to pretend that the Penan support the Baram dam proposal. This is nothing more than a BN PR stunt!

These few “leaders” may agree to the dam, but the rest of the Penan community do not! Who, in their right mind, would agree to destroy their native lands and livelihood just to please some crooked politicians?

Just as BN offer, pitiably bribes at election time so they now, much more cheaply, get some “leaders” to agree to a dam that no one wants and no one needs. Taib as we all know, is in it only for the money. Remember that no amount of water, behind a dam or not, can wash out the stains of fifty years of guilt and corruption.

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