Will Taib really step down?

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“Chief Minister Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud should play an advisory role to the state or the state cabinet even after he retires from his post. Furthermore, the state would still need him to play a pivotal role in its development, said Assistant Youth Development Minister Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah.

The chief minister had contributed tremendously to the development of the state. We have seen a lot of changes in the urban and rural areas, such as Samarahan, Mukah and Tanjung Manis. It is clear that his heart is with Sarawak, so he will certainly make sure that his successor is someone who would carry on his visions. said Abdul Karim, who is also Assistant Housing Minister and Asajaya assemblyman.

Even if he retires, we want to see him play a role as a guide to the rest of us,” Abdul Karim told The Borneo Post and Utusan Borneo in an exclusive interview at his office in Petra Jaya here yesterday.”

Fat chance of an ‘advisory role’, Mr Hamza. Unless you mean the kind of ‘advisory role’ currently held by former PM Mahathir Mohammed, who still controls Petronas and runs UMNO?

Sarawak Report broke the news of Taib’s possible change of address before Christmas, when we reported on the construction of a new ‘Administrative Wing’ at the Astana under the personal eye of Taib’s daughter Hanifah, who has reportedly been re-decorating according to her father’s taste for gaudy gilt  and heavy European furniture.

The current incumbent is due to retire in a month and never did any administration at all.

However, if Taib plans to move he will certainly aim to retain power.  Perhaps he reckons he can copy Russia’s President Putin and put in a place-man, whom he controls – Jabu would do?

The CM is old to take such risks. But, he has had Najib in his pocket since GE13, so he may be calculating that he is better placed than his uncle, whom he stabbed in the back under similar circumstances.

He is still making up his mind and may yet bottle out of pretending to step aside. But, there will be no question of an ‘advisory role’, merely a change of address.

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