Wedding Fever

Christmas and New Year are a time for gifts and merriment.  Also, in the light of the current wedding theme in Kuching, we thought it appropriate to relay some more of the dazzling pictures of gifts and finery surrounding recent Taib family weddings. The facebook sites of Taib family members have been boasting these scenes of wealth […]

Billion Ringgit Bride

We have an exclusive picture of Sarawak Chief Minister, Taib Mahmud’s, new young bride.  Kuching has been aflame with interest and amusement at the leaked information that the 74 year old has found himself a second wife who is apparently still in her 20s. However, the government has refused to issue official confirmation of the wedding

New Outrage – Taking Care of My Son By Robbing My People!

Sarawak Report has uncovered an explosive situation in Sri Aman, where we can reveal that the Chief Minister is in the very process of trying to sell off land which he gave free to his son, for a multi-million ringgit profit. The 22,000 acres in question (8,800 hectares) is in Bijat Land District, Sungai Tisak.  It is

Crocodile Tears!

Chief Minister, Abdul Taib Mahmud, has been attempting to use the Borneo Post in increasingly desperate attempts to rescue his reputation over Pulau Bruit.  The fact that there has been a recent stream of announcements showing his sudden new concern for the poor islanders is a sure sign that the revelations that he and his family have stolen millions of ringgits

Taib’s Bribes – Surely too late?

According to the Borneo Post, Taib and his BN party have made a belated attempt to curry favour with the voters of Pulau Bruit by promising plans for investment!  It was just a week ago that we exposed how the Chief Minister and his family have made millions of ringgit out of robbing his fellow Melanau people of their Native

Sarawak – Stolen At Gunpoint!

Sarawak Report can now present the proof behind widespread complaints that so-called ‘gangsters’ and ‘thugs’ are habitually used by logging companies to enforce the controversial licences handed to them in native lands by Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud. We have been passed concrete video evidence from an incident last week that shows a logging company worker threatening village blockaders with

Helping himself – Taib Lifts Prime Plots from Pelita [Exclusive!]

The Sarawak Chief Minister, Abdul Taib Mahmud, who is also the Chairman of the Land Custody and Development Authority (LCDA), which manages state land under the title of Pelita, has been using his control over the government agency to steer prime bits of land the way of himself and his family! Sarawak Report has found

Corruption And Abuse of Power – Irrefutable Evidence Against Taib. Exclusive!

Certain people in high places are given to alleging that the facts which have been published in Sarawak Report may not be true.  Yet, the allegations we have published have been verifiable and documented. Likewise, available to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission in the government’s own register of companies, is the following irrefutable information. The company Mesti Bersatu is

Deepening Scandal – Taib’s Land Grabs Exposed !

Sarawak Report has been piecing together documentation that enables us to prove for the first time that the Chief Minister has conducted land thefts on a  massive scale from the people of Sarawak.   Using a number of sources, many of which Taib has shamefully attempted to keep secret, we are now unravelling detailed information showing the full extent of his seizures of Native Customary Rights Lands for

Taib Share Shock ! – Exclusive

Sarawak Report can reveal that the Chief Minister, Abdul Taib Mahmud, has a major personal shareholding in Sarawak’s highly controversial  Royal Mulu Resort,  a project that has received huge injections of cash from the State.  This means that, as both Chief Minister and Finance Minister, Taib has authorised the diversion of large sums of public money straight into his own pocket. As

Three Weddings and a Divorce

[slideshow] Sarawak Report has had numerous requests to investigate and display the wealth of the extended Taib family, who are widely known to be living extraordinary millionaire life-styles off the back of their uncle, the Chief Minister.  But why should we investigate when they show off their riches so blatantly on their own facebook sites?  Thousands

‘Hide Park’ ! – The Taibs’ London Bolthole

It is undoubtedly one of the smartest addresses in London.  Hampshire House is an enormous and gracious period building overlooking the world-famous Hyde Park, just a stone’s throw from Marble Arch and Oxford Street.  It contains some of the largest apartments in the capital, including the regular ‘pied a terre’ of Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud. The ground

Caught on Video ! Taib Admits Vast Wealth As He Bribes Voters!

Taib has not only been caught out bribing voters, but also admitting to his vast wealth!  The illegal act and the confession were both captured in a video recording of an election speech that has now come into the possession of Sarawak Report.  In the recording he tells his audience: “I’ve got more money than I

Taib’s family ‘Cheated’ Japanese Shareholders!

According to further allegations in the current court case between Dato’ Ting Check Sii and Tufail Mahmud in Sibu, Japanese investors in the Noda Corporation, a major public company which is quoted on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, have been cheated out of millions of ringgit by members of the Chief Minister’s family.  This highly serious claim forms part of a string of accusations lodged by one

Hard Evidence – Sanyan Scandal Exposes Taib!

Evidence in a bitter court battle, currently being played out in Sibu, has laid out in devastating detail a mass of shocking information about the corruption at the heart of Sarawak’s State Government. There has been little reporting of the case so far, because the Taib family have been doing their best to suppress it. However Sarawak Report

Taib Islamic Fashion Show

[slideshow] A recent ‘Islamic Fashion Show’, staged in the gambling tax haven of Monaco, is being hammered by Muslim clerics, not just for encouraging a lack of modesty in apparel, but for the flaunting of obscene wealth by the Malaysian organisers and guests, who enjoyed a lavish party in the name of charity. The guests

Bomoh Warned Taib To Step Down! – Part Two of our exclusive revelations

Taib’s Bomoh confided before he died that he had warned the Chief Minister in 2003 that he should stand down within 7 years!  However, this piece of advice apparently signalled the beginning of the end Taib’s relationship with his long-trusted soothsayer. As we recently revealed [see Part I of our exclusive revelations], Taib had retained the witchdoctor for

Taib’s Secret Bomoh – Exclusive!

Sarawak Report can reveal that the aging Chief Minister of Sarawak, Abdul Taib Mahmud, relies on a personal witchdoctor, or so-called Bomoh, to make all key personal and government decisions!  The extraordinary state of affairs, which has remained a carefully guarded secret among his entourage for many years, has now been explained in detail by insiders. “He will

Raziah – Jailed Protesters [Update]

We can  now confirm that the people jailed for protesting against the Chief Minister’s sister’s company, Quality Concrete, logging in their Native Customary Lands have be released after sizeable protests outside the police station in Simunjan where they were being held. They had been accused of allegedly setting fire to the logging camp, but there is no evidence to back this claim. In

Where is Sulaiman?

Kuching is once again awash with rumours about the health of the ‘heir apparent’, the Chief Minister’s son Sulaiman Abdul Rahman Taib.  Because government controlled newspapers dare not allude to what has clearly become a serious problem, Sarawak Report regards it as its duty to demand that the Taib family explain to the constituents of Kota Samarahan

Raziah Mahmud’s RM880,000,000.000 Bank Loan!

We can reveal that Malaysia’s RHB Bank has just lent Raziah Mahmud, the Chief Minister’s sister and her third husband, Robert Geneid, a whopping RM 880 million ringgit! This breath-taking hand-out (the equivalent of US$ 285 million) was discovered by Sarawak Report in the public records of  Malaysia’s Companies Commission.  It was registered last June as a charge against

Taib Handed Rockefeller $100 million – Whistleblower’s Letter

Following the tragic death of Ross Boyert, which we announced earlier this week, Sarawak Report has decided to publish in full the amazing allegations contained in a personal letter he wrote to his employer, the Chief Minister of Sarawak. The 388 page document, sent after Boyert was sacked in November 2006, begged Taib to put to an end what he described as appalling treatment in

Taib’s Former US Aide Found Dead

Sarawak Report is deeply saddened to inform of the tragic and untimely death of Taib Mahmud’s former aide in the United States. It is speculated that he may have taken his own life, but the Coroner is withholding judgement pending further investigations.

Ibans Do Get Raw Deal – Admits Borneo Post

Even the Borneo Post, Taib’s favourite propaganda sheet, has found itself unable to spin away the dire distress of  the Iban population, which it alleges is so supportive of Taib Mahmud and BN. In an article last week, the paper loyally insisted that Iban communities have “expressed their strong support” for the elderly Chief Minister to remain in charge, with

Solid Success – Bakun Delivers on Requirements

News publications have been chewing over the figures as Bakun waits to be flooded and have come to some inevitable, long-predicted conclusions. Firstly, the Dam has no genuine economic purpose.  Sarawak already has more electricity than its impoverished population can afford to use and the plans to send it to Malaysia by undersea cable was

Samling at ‘Epicentre’ of Sub-prime Crash!

Samling, the giant logging company owned by the timber tycoon Yaw Teck Seng and favoured with numerous timber licences by the Chief Minister, Abdul Taib Mahmud, was at the heart of the housing bubble that led to the sub-prime mortgage crisis and the world economic crash, according to our exclusive research. We have established that Mountain House, a major new-town development in San Joaquin California, currently labelled as

1117 Boylston Avenue, Seattle, USA

$1 Dollar Mansion?

Sarawak Report would like to enquire of Abdul Taib Mahmud how much he paid for the mansion that Samling passed on to his family in Seattle, USA ? The residence forms an enormous property, standing in its own grounds in one of the most prestigious area of Seattle on Boylston Avenue East.  It was passed from a

Scandal of Sarawak’s Budget Black Hole

Scandal highlighted by DAP Taib Mahmud, the Chief Minister of Sarawak, has failed to account for a staggering RM 4.8 billion of government expenditure over the past 3 years alone, according to explosive figures released by the opposition DAP party.  This represents more than half the Development Budget, which in turn represents nearly three quarters

So Who Owns CMS?

Sarawak’s Chief Minister has issued not one word about our expose revealing him to be the majority owner of Sakti International, the Taib’s multi-million dollar property company in the US.  Clearly he does not want to test our documented evidence in court.  So let us reach some logical conclusions about the Taib family´s other sources of wealth. In his joint capacities as Chief

Unmasked! Taib The Godfather

Sarawak Report has uncovered devastating documents which prove that Abdul Taib Mahmud, Sarawak’s Chief Minister, is the real owner of millions of dollars of property assets held in the name of family members abroad. The damning discovery lays bare a system of private deals, which enabled the Chief Minister to conceal his true ownership of

Hidden Opulence

Following recent exposes about the lavish international properties which the Taib family have for years kept hidden abroad, Sarawak Report feels it is appropriate to also draw attention to the equally staggering opulence of their lifestyle in Kuching. Through the keyhole Most Sarawakians only get a glimpse of the luxury enjoyed by their modestly-paid Cheif Minister,

Oxford Demonstration Against Taib

If the people of Oxford had not heard of Abdul Taib Mahmud, Chief Minister of Sarawak, until today, they certainly know all about him now.  His visit, tied to Sarawak’s heavy sponsorship of the Said Business School’s ‘Inaugural Global Islamic Branding and Marketing Forum’, was supposed to buy him credibility.  In the event it ended up as a

Taib’s Top Gig

The Said Business School, Oxford University Taib’s Big Moment As the news about Taib’s top gig in the UK started to break in the astonished host city of Oxford last week, anyone who was anyone in Sarawak was piling into planes (who paid?) to come and applaud the great moment.  If you were not invited on Taib’s big trip,

Correction and Apology

What is the Chief Minister’s Official Salary?  Sarawak Report has had its attention drawn to an inaccuracy regarding its reporting of the Chief Minister, Abdul Taib Mahmud’s, official salary.  For this we apologise, as we have attempted, despite a conspicuous lack of public information, to stick to accurate and objective reporting. In this context we have

“Utter Disgust” – PKR Leader Baru Bian Speaks Out

One Shocking Report After Another Sarawak’s PKR Leader Baru Bian has expressed his “utter disgust” at the extent of the foreign properties owned by the Chief Minister and his family, as revealed in a series of recent exposes by Sarawak Report. “For us it has been shocking as we read one report after another”, he said. The

Growing Scandal – The London Connection!

  Exclusive – The Taibs Own Ridgeford Properties Limited, London Racehorses, residences in swanky Fitzrovia and offices bang next door to the Bank of England. Yes, the Taibs are in London too.  In this latest exclusive investigation, Sarawak Report can reveal the full details of Ridgeford Properties Limited, a multi-million pound property company in the UK, once again owned and funded by

Boy Racer for Chief Minister?

Bugatti buy-out plan Sulaiman Abdul Rahman Taib wanted to buy out Bugatti, manufacturers of the world’s most expensive cars, to add to the family’s ‘hundred  businesses’, according to one of his close college friends.  However, his Dad, Abdul Taib Mahmud, described as ‘Malaysian Monarchy’ by Rahman’s pal, was less enthusiastic. The Chief Minister, who clearly controls the

Where are the Answers?

Over the past several days Sarawak Report has revealed a number of facts relating to the Taib Family’s vast foreign property investments.  Our investigations have exposed a real estate portfolio worth hundreds of millions of US dollars in Canada, Australia and the United States and we have shown how they are owned and directed by Taib’s own brothers

New Exclusive – Sakti/Sakto Taibs’ Property in the USA

  Sakto Canada/ Sakti US When you have dozens of properties and as many companies to manage them it is always a good trick to stick to similar names. Sarawak Report can exclusively reveal that there is a US arm to the Taib family’s secretive North American  property empire. In Ottawa, Canada the family’s interests are

A Key Question for Taib

Who is the owner of the Taib family’s real estate fortune? Sarawakians are entitled to a clear answer, backed by documentary evidence, as to who actually owns the Taib family’s massive property portfolio.  A politician such as Abdul Taib Mahmud ought under law to be required to declare all his assets, so that he can be held accountable.  However, he does

Police Gangsters

The once proud, well-trained Sarawak police force are now mere lackeys of the timber companies, as events yesterday make only too obvious. The Penan, who have been erecting peaceful jungle blockades in protest at the savage destruction of their hereditory lands,  were yesterday confronted in Long Sebayang,  Limbang by gun-waving policemen.  They were acting on behalf of

Taibs’ Lucrative Links with Ontario Government

In with the Government in Canada The Taib family’s local acumen in channelling government expenditure into their business activities appears to have extended into Canada, according to the information gathered by Sarawak Report into their Canadian property empire. Locating at Sakto Their company Sakto’s success in attracting tenancies from state organisations funded by the Canadian tax payer can only be described as enviably impressive.  Their

Multi-million dollar complex

Exclusive – Taibs’ Foreign Property Portfolio

Canadian properties worth in excess of a hundred million dollars Twin glass towers and a swish shopping complex at Preston Square in downtown Ottawa form just part of an enormous foreign property portfolio controlled in Canada by the family of Sarawak Chief Minister, Abdul Taib Mahmud, according to our exclusive investigations. These buildings alone are worth at least one hundred million dollars and generate a

Time to Prosecute

Shady Dealer Lawyers for Zaid Ibrahim, PR’s disappointed candidate for Selangor, must be rubbing their hands with glee. They complained that the ruling BN party had rigged that by-election back in April and now the Prime Minister himself, Najib Razak, has got up on stage and fully admitted it!  On camera!  In front of hundreds and hundreds of

Anti-Dam Campaign Threatens Taib

Who Does This Benefit? Taib Mahmud’s crazed dam-building fantasies are meeting such serious popular resistence that many are warning of  meltdown, unless he shelves his monstrous plans.  Affected communities are now organising determined opposition across the country. Protests against secrecy In the latest move, residents of the area affected by the proposed Baram Dam have demanded access to Environmental Impact

Flying to Freedom

Well done Sibu!

They came with flattery and promises of much needed investment. They used their control of the state and the media to bombard the city with propaganda and of course Flying to Freedom THREATS that if it did not vote for BN they would make sure the region was punished. But, despite all this, the people of Sibu recognised their real interests; they made a stand

Give Us Our Vote!

Taib Mahmud’s BN pretends to hold elections. However 30 years since he took office and nearly half a century since his family gained power in Sarawak a staggering third of the electorate remains excluded from the electoral register. Mahmud has explained that his government finds it ‘very hard’ to register these people.  But, if they

Monkey Business

“If we gave them a monkey with a BN label they would vote for it!” laughed followers of Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud, following his success at the last election.  And there’s proof, look at his ministers – all they are good at is stealing! In West Malaysia people voted BN out in 2008, fed up with its corrupt ways.  Yet

Mega-project monitor

FOLLOW THE MONEY: Mega-projects in Sarawak are always about enriching the Chief Minister and his BN cronies The New Parliament Building in Kuching: There was no need for a new Parliament Building. This contentious building cost the Sarawak taxpayer MR300 million.  It was money that could have been spent on what ordinary people need, like roads, clean water, electricity,

Tribes demand identity rights

The Sarawak authorities have deliberately withheld the identity and voting rights from 60,000 people from the state’s most traditional communities living in the interior. “The reason for this is clear” explains an opposition spokesman, “These people are resisting the destruction of their lands by the timber and palm oil interests which are backed and controlled by the ruling parties.

Should Christian Women Be Branded Sluts?

Predicament of Penan Women Visitors to the Penan communities in the interior may be struck by the simplicity of their lives.   They still live in harmony with the environment and eat mainly from the forest.  However, those visitors will also be impressed by the strength of their Christian religion.  Like all Sarawak’s indigenous people they are faithful,

No More Broken Promises

Sarawak’s new PKR leader, Baru Bian, has called time on the age of broken promises.  “After four decades”, he says, “the people of Sarawak have learnt their lesson when it comes to believing the assurances of BN”. The top lawyer, who has successfully defeated the State Government in a number of recent native landright cases,

Bian Condemns Dam Secrecy

“Our Secret Society” At Miri’s Public Forum on Damming the Baram River, 6th March, Sarawak’s new, high-profile PKR leader, Baru Bian, attacked the dishonest and alarming secrecy of BN’s dealings with China over the planned construction of 12 new dams in Sarawak. Murum – earmarked for destruction He reminded the audience that the entire mult-billion ringit project had

An Alternative Vision for Sarawak

BN Ministers have started announcing bribes and handouts to communities, which they normally exploit and ignore.  This, as everyone knows, is a sure sign an election is about to be called.  Everyone also knows that BN will break the promises they are making and after years of this cynical treatment the people are fed up.

Dangerous Dams: The real reason Behind BN’s dealings with China.

Betrayal of ordinary people   Thousands of families in Sarawak have been forced from their homes and lands to make way for dams like Bakun, Batang Ai and now Murum.  Worse, the promises of compensation and prosperity made to them by the BN state government of Abdul Taib Mahmud have proved worthless.  The compensation, when it has been

How Taib Has Robbed Sarawak,

No secret about Taib’s thieving ways Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud’s methods for milking Sarawak’s wealth at the expense of its people has been documented by numerous respected international news organisations, including Bloomberg, The London Times and Al Jazeerah TV.  The real scandal is that Malaysia’s forces of law and order have not long since arrested him and

How is the wealth of Sarawak Distributed?

Where did all the money go? What money? Why yours of course. The millions you did not know you had and still have not seen a single ringgit of. Sarawak is the richest state in Malaysia. But it has the poorest people. Did you know for instance that you own, or used to, one of the great

Taib’s Cruel Revenge

    Legal Slap-down for Taib Mahmud Chief Minister Taib Mamud’s was humiliated by a native Iban victory in the Malaysia Federal Court last November.  The Headman Nor anak Nyaway of Sungai Sekabai near the town of Bintulu won a case against the Sarawak State Government who had taken the village’s land for palm oil plantations.   The judges ruled

Stop Rigged Elections

Illegal practices Taib Mamud has kept power for 30 years by blatant election rigging says new PKR Leader Baru Bian.  The top human rights lawyer, who became party leader in January, says he has amassed evidence pointing to widespread criminal behaviour by the ruling BN coalition parties, designed to pervert the outcome of numerous elections.

‘Millions for Development’ Who profits?

Members of the Sarawak Government always accuse people who criticise their policies of being enemies of ‘progress, development and modernisation’. These government policies include stripping the country of its rainforests, taking Native Customary Rights Lands from traditional communities and covering thousands of square kilometres with palm oil plantations. But who is really profiting? Taib Mamud

Mafrel Report

 Excerpts From Mafrel’s Reports Into The Problems Of Gaining Birth Certificates And Voter Registration For Citizens In Rural Regions Of Sarawak – November 2009             Problems to obtain Birth Certificate Many problems caused the communities here to go without birth certificate. A major complaint is that those kids born in clinics are given birth certificates

Baram Dam Protest

  BORNEO RESOURCES INSTITUTE MALAYSIA BRIMAS PRES RELEASE19 May 2010 For Immediate Release Residents affected by Baram Dam want to study EIA and SEIA reports before it is approved MIRI – Representative of residents from longhouses affected directly by the proposed Baram Dam have applied for a copy of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), the

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