
Guilty X Ten! Pras Michel Gets Rapped By A US Jury

Jho Low’s celebrity pal cum business partner had pleaded innocence over his role in laundering money looted 1MDB and the attempted corruption of the US government on behalf of Najib and then China. The jury decided otherwise….

FINALLY – Swiss Prosecutors Indict The PetroSaudi Boys!

Swiss prosecutors have moved to indict the managers of PetroSaudi, Tarek Obaid and Patrick Mahony, who for eight years have managed to spend 1MDB’s stolen money and live unpunished for their role in aiding and abetting Najib and Jho Low in pulling off Malaysia’s Heist of the Century….

How Jho Low Illegally Funded Obama’s 2012 Presidential Campaign Through Rap Star Pras Michel & His Hollywood Pals!

It was Sarawak Report that first spotted the 1MDB linked donations into Democrat campaigns, alerting investigators in the United States. The present indictment against Pras Michel and Jho Low claims they funnelled $100 million in illegal cash to gain influence over President Obama and the US government. The rap star recruited his friends as “Straw Donors” to hide the the real source of the prohibited foreign money….

Kuwaiti ‘Criminal Conspiracy’ Netted Over One Billion Dollars From Malaysia Through Najib/Jho Low

The Kuwaiti criminal court has now published its judgement against what it describes as an “organised criminal group” consisting of Jho Low; Sheikh Sabah, son of the former Kuwait prime minister; his lawyer, Saud Abdelmohsan; a former businesss partner, Bachar Kiwan and Jho Low’s Kuwaiti friend, Hamad Al Wazzan who shared the proceeds of “funds seized from the Malaysian government” totalling in excess of a billion dollars. How much will Malaysia get back and what about the damages?…….

Ten Years In Jail! New Kuwait Judgement – BREAKING NEWS!

The son of Kuwait’s former prime minister, Jho Low’s college mate and Malaysia’s own top fugitive, Jho Low himself, have all been found guilty of laundering hundreds of millions in stolen Malaysian money used by Najib to cover up 1MDB in a landmark ruling by the Gulf state…….

IPIC Admits Guilt But Malaysia Loses Out On Billions Owed

Abu Dhabi’s IPIC has eaten humble pie, having climbed down from demanding $6 billion it had claimed 1MDB owed and instead ponied up $1.8 billion in reparations to 1MDB over its criminal complicity in the heist from which senior figures in the Gulf state raked hundreds of millions of dollars. It is a stunning victory for Malaysia, but it was owed so much more…..

Did Goldman Sachs Violate The Terms Of Its DPA With A Repeat Criminal Bribery Of Malaysian Officials In 2020?

Back in 2020, the extraordinary circumstances surrounding Goldman Sachs’ lightening resolution of its dispute with the Malaysian company 1MDB shortly after the coup led by Muhyiddin Yassin raised several eyebrows. Did the cut price settlement involve a violation of its recently concluded Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the US Dept of Justice? It is time to reveal exactly what happened …….

Remember Remember The 5th Of November!

If UMNO was hoping to avoid constant reminders of its criminal connections and the global 1MDB scandal during GE15 then maybe November was not such a clever time to call it after all? The celebrity trial of the year is due to set off the fireworks on November 5th in Hollywood. If that was not in the UMNO PM’s diary then someone slipped up…..

Billion Ringgit Babe!

The worst is that Rosmah can well afford it as everyone in Malaysia knows, including her paid blogger who sought to get her off the hook through contempt of court …..

UMNO’s Silence Over Kuwaiti Hoard Signals Further Cover-Up

Kuwait has been sitting on $1.8 billion of stolen Malaysian cash for two years as KL refuses to pick up the phone and admit another scandal by ex-PM Najib. Indeed, ever since the UMNO coalition seized power once more we have seen a return to cover-up and secret negotiations when it comes to the return of Malaysia’s stolen money ….

More Plea Dealings With Crooks?!

Having been disappointed over its attempts to milk a lucrative settlement in return for dropping charges against Jho Low the coup government is now found out to have been negotiating with the PetroSaudi Boys as well!….

US Prosecutors Now Targeting Bigger Goldfish Over 1MDB?

Following the unanimous conviction of Goldman Sachs banker Roger Ng in New York there are signs that prosecutors may be moving to target higher officials from the bank. After all, the trial exposed damning evidence about the men at the top and what they knew….

What Was The RM2 Million For, Yang di-Pertuan Agong?

The present King of Malaysia has demonstrated on several occasions now that he feels no shame in publicly consorting with the convicted kleptocrat Najib Razak, so it is time to explain his motives and exactly what has happened to the money his family received from 1MDB? …….

Ng Was Guilty, But The Buck Does Not Stop There

Ex-Goldman banker Roger Ng has learnt you can be the fall guy and be found guilty at the same time. However, his trial has pointed a damning finger at far more senior figures who ought not be allowed to escape the evidence against them…..

What’s In A Name? Plenty When The Name Is Blavatnik Or Razak

The alleged cream of the next generation of Britain’s aspiring political leadership are being educated in governance at an institution set up by a man who made his money from the corruption of Putin’s Russia and lectured to by the brother of the world’s most notorious kleptocrat……

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