Response to ‘Winifred Poh’s’ attack on ‘amazingly well funded foreign critics’ of Taib Mahmud

Sarawak Report has formally responded to the feature length article in Free Malaysaia Today, criticising this blog …

Taib You Cannot Be SERIOUS!

Why did Governor Taib Mahmud go to so much trouble at the 40 anniversary ‘celebration’ of Sarawak’s blood-sucking conglomerate CMS, to tell his audience that he has done nothing to favour this monster company….?

Radio Free Sarawak Wins Prestigious Australian Freedom Award

  Radio Free Sarawak was honoured Tuesday at Australia’s University of Queensland in Brisbane with the 2014Communication for Social Change Award. Only one organisation wins this prestigious award for excellence in communication each year and RFS was delighted to pick up the title from a strong field of candidate projects, working on providing communication tools

UNMASKED! The Agent Hired To Jam RFS

A team from the independent radio station Radio Free Sarawak (RFS) last week confronted the Belgian broadcast agent, who has been implicated in jamming their programmes. Ludo Maes supplies short wave antennae and transmitters from his business near Antwerp and acts as a broker for radio stations looking for shortwave broadcast slots across the world. However,

Lifting The Lid On 1MDB – Latest Expose Is From DAP

The list of scandals surrounding Malaysia’s rogue ‘development’ fund 1MDB just gets longer. Today, DAP’s Tony Pua released a further set of revelations about yet another of this outfit’s multi-billion dollar loans, where the money once again appears to have disappeared into thin air. The vehicle on this occasion is a company called SRC International

Asian Development Bank Loan Will Go Straight To Taibs!

NGOs have called foul on a secretive multi-million dollar loan from the Asian Development Bank, which the Sarawak Governor, Taib Mahmud, clearly plans to pocket himself. They complain that this latest scandal, involving the so-called SCORE (Sarawak Corridor Of ‘Renewable’ Energy) project, is particularly shocking, because it violates the core principles of an agency that

US Film Backs Dam Protests

The first in a series of films by the California based Borneo Project is released today. The NGO has worked for many years supporting Sarawak’s native communities and it points out the disastrous consequences threatened by Taib’s ‘brainchild’ SCORE project and his plans for 12 more mega-dams, starting with Baram. Borneo is the oldest rainforest

Obama Needs A Longer Spoon To Dine With Najib Razak

President Obama made a rousing speech against religious bigotry at the UN on Wednesday. He made clear that trends such as those developing in Malaysia, where non-Muslims are being increasingly treated as unequal and liberal thinkers as enemies of society by leading figures, provides a dangerous source of instability in a world trying to fight

Taibs Get RM150m Contract For Museum About Themselves!

Fresh from his lavish ‘Birthday Celebration’ the vainglorious Governor and de facto Sarawak ruler, Taib Mahmud, has sanctioned the construction of a new museum, dedicated to himself. As the Borneo Post explained it:  “the museum will showcase the sacrifices of past and present leaders of Sarawak, including all heads of state and chief ministers…… especially Tun

More Links – Jho Low’s Spending And Malaysia’s Development Money EXCLUSIVE

After years of denials, Sarawak Report has accessed documentary evidence showing the spendthrift tycoon, Taek Jho Low, has been enjoying a hands-on role in the management of the controversial public fund One Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB). The evidence further indicates that the huge sums that the young man has ostentatiously spent on record purchases of

Corruption Kills…

Sarawak Report and others have worked to draw attention to corruption in Sarawak and Malaysia, which ranks as one of the worst places in the world when it comes to corrupt exploitation of the people by the governing elite. Our evidence and exposes have illustrated the problem time and again, where abuse after abuse has

Foreign Firms Stand Warned Over Imports From KTS’s Roundtree Group

A raft of foreign companies, many of whom tell their buyers that their wood is ‘sustainable’, stand warned today that these claims are impossible to verify and that their supplier the KTS owned Roundtree Group is linked to illegal logging complaints in Sarawak. Sarawak Report has obtained copies of a number of police reports [1] [2] [3] that

DAY 300 – “No Consent To Proceed”!

Grass roots campaigners and International NGOs joined forces in Kuala Lumpur today to ram home the realities about the Baram Dam, pet project of Taib Mahmud. In summary, they pointed out the plan has no legal right to proceed and flies in the face of a long list of legal obligations that the Sarawak State

Wolf Of Wall Street Backer’s Business Links With 1MDB And Jho Low!

After months of refusing to identify their backers, the film production company Red Granite Pictures has now named its main sponsor during an interview with the New York Times. He is the Abu Dhabi based Chief Executive of Aabar Investments, Mr Mohamed Ahmed Badawy Al-Husseiny. Aabar is a fund known to have strong investment ties with

How Najib Razak Planned To Use The Queen Of England – EXCLUSIVE!

Sarawak Report can provide the answer to the question which is perplexing Malaysians. Why did the Federal Court insist on suddenly scheduling their show trial for Anwar Ibrahim on Sept 8th and 9th, despite the fact that his lawyer would be away on medical leave until October? At first the court refused to alter the

Murum Dam Is “High Risk” – Official Report

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the Murum Dam clearly stated back in 2008 that it was a “High Risk” project, in several categories concerning basic safety, we can now reveal. In particular, the report referred to the problem of sedimentation of the upper Murum River, caused by current logging, as one of the major

Second Senior Engineer From Murum Dam Site Dies – EXCLUSIVE

Sarawak Energy has lost a second Senior Engineer from the Murum Dam site to an un-expected and untimely death in a matter of a few weeks. As reported in the Borneo Post, Jabing Bujing sadly died in his bed shortly after returning from Sabah on 29th July. He was discovered by a family member, who

Murum Manager Was Investigated By MACC Before Sudden Death EXCLUSIVE!

Sarawak Report has learnt that Sarawak Energy’s Technical Manager for the Muram Dam hydro-electric project, Frankie Chin, was questioned by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) shortly before his sudden death last month. However, The MACC has formally denied the claim. Frankie Chin died on the night of 12th June after a short illness. A contact

FBC Media’s Greenwash Proposal For Malaysian Palm Oil Council! EXPOSE

Sarawak Report has acquired a dossier of damning proposals made by the discredited PR firm, FBC Media, to the government-funded Malaysian Palm Oil Council, for improving the industry’s tarnished image. It confirms the strategy of ‘greenwash’ to deliberately mislead the world’s public about the true nature of this massive agribusiness, which is tearing up the

Top UK ‘Think Tank’ Staged BN’s Latest PR Stunt On Palm Oil – INVESTIGATION

The prominent London-based free market ‘think tank’, the Institute of Economic Affairs, has been put in an embarrassing position over an apparent conflict of interest, thanks to remarks by Sarawak’s Deputy Chief Minister, Alfred Jabu. Jabu, in a speech earlier this week, boasted about his “world-wide acknowledgement” by the Institute, thanks to being granted a

SEB’s ‘Generous’ School Bus For Murum!

Sarawak Energy (SEB) has been pouring out self-congratulatory propaganda for weeks, praising its own ‘generosity’ and ‘kindness’ towards the Penan people, who were thrust from their homelands and forced into resettlements by the Murum Dam. So just take a look at this – SEB’s transport provision for children aged 7-12 years old for their daily

SEB “Are Taking A Very Big Risk” Mending Turbines on Site

Sarawak Report has consulted a top British dam engineer about the repairs currently under-way on the newly installed turbines at the Murum Dam. Dr Phillip Williams of Williams Associates, San Fransciso, is an expert in hydraulics.  We showed him the leaked reports on the defects affecting the Chinese made turbines installed at Murum. We also

Satem Against the People – New CM Backs Taib’s Dam Projects

Chief Minister Adenan Satem has predictably taken on the role of Governor Taib Mahmud’s chief business manager. He today stated that the state government will “have to” build more dams to meet the power demand for its industrial development and for “the people”. He thundered that he did not care about the growing international criticism: “If we

Damned Disgrace!

You would have thought that if there was one thing that SEB’s Torstein Sjotveit and his Tasmanian side-kick Nick Wright would have both made sure of, it would be that the Penan communities, who were barged off their lands by the Murum Dam, would have been taken care of…

Malaysia Truly Asia!

The on-going arbitrary detention of the Australian Natalie Lowrey has brought a sinister new meaning to Malaysia’s top advertising slogan…..

The Sarawak Timber Mafia’s Global Menace

Sarawak Report has researched the global reach of Sarawak’s timber mafia and we can reveal a web of logging interests that have spread into every remaining tropical timber region of the planet. This extraordinary penetration by Sarawak’s top timber companies is the result of the system promoted by the Mahmud regime, which funnelled virtually all

Information Ambassadors – Become Part Of The RFS Survey Team!

Sarawak Report and Radio Free Sarawak are inviting our online readers and listeners to take the opportunity of Gawai to bring information to their villages – and also to bring information back to us. There is a small prize raffle for all those who email us back the RFS Awareness Survey – the lucky winners

FIGHT! The Message From Norway’s Natives To Sarawak’s Natives

Sarawak Energy boss, Torstein Dale Sjotveit, has focused much of his rhetoric on lecturing the people of Sarawak that he is bringing the values and virtues of Norway’s progress to their country. Read this news from Norway and learn that Sjotveit is merely a mouthpiece for Taib’s greed and a disgrace to the progress and

Mega-project Update

A nice stash of fat state construction contracts were awarded by Taib Mahmud to his own family companies during his last weeks as Chief Minister. His preferred option of ‘negotiated contracts’ over open tendering means that he effectively negotiated the terms with himself. As a result Kuching’s waterfront is being altered from its once scenic,

PR Blunder By Norway’s Norconsult?

The delegation of natives who took the trouble to visit Europe to explain the widespread popular resistance to SCORE has received an arrogant rebuff from the Norwegian company Norconsult. In a letter that could have been written by Sarawak Energy’s own Norwegian PR disaster, Torstein Dale Sjotveit himself, the CEO of the major energy consulting

Radio Free Sarawak Picks Up Key Award In Australia

The team from the independent Iban language radio show Radio Free Sarawak (RFS) have won recognition in Australia, with a key award from the University of Queensland in Brisbane. The Communication for Social Change Award 2014 was designated by the university’s Centre for Communication and Social Change to the organisation as a whole. The other

Swiss Company Reviews Engagement In SCORE

The Sarawak NGO Save Rivers has been taking its case to Europe and presenting the other side of the PR story to companies participating in SCORE. And today the native campaigners scored a notable victory, after gaining a meeting with the Swiss/Swedish engineering giant ABB. The company had taken on a number of big contracts

What In The Devil’s Going On In Tasmania?

The Australian Government has just given a foreign-owned company yet another in a series of huge subsidies to cut down the Tasmanian forest. Sarawak-based Ta Ann has received a $7.5million hand-out, making almost $45million in total over the past 7 years, even though the Malaysian company can’t seem to turn a profit on the business.

Get It Right Mr Obama!

There is a common misconception amongst well-meaning westerners about why the jungle is being cut down, which the actual rainforest destroyers are pleased to preserve. These westerners imagine that the main driver of deforestation is pressing populations of local people, who have run out of habitat and need to tear down the trees to survive

US News Covers Taib Money-Snatching

Another top international news organisation has endorsed and corroborated the information Sarawak Report has exposed about Taib Mahmud’s extraordinary and illicit wealth. The major news service Bloomberg/Business Week has just brought out an extensive analysis of the divorce case of Taib’s son Abu Bekir and what it tells us about his father’s illegitimately acquired global

Musa Pays Off Chia’s Dad With RM67million Deal – EXCLUSIVE

Sabah’s Chief Minister Musa Aman has quietly reached a judicial settlement with the father of the scandal torn businessman Michael Chia, by granting him major logging concessions and a barging monopoly, together worth a staggering RM67,300,407. Chia, who has been exposed for running a series of secret bank accounts which benefitted Musa’s family, was sentenced

Unanimous Decision To Adopt PR’s 20% Policy On Oil!

This has to be the first sign that Taib Mahmud is losing his grip! No wonder he opened the State Assembly this week with talk about needing “heightened security” against “undesirable elements”. But these oil revenue rebels are from his own party and they are UNANIMOUS in ditching his unfair policies on Sarawak’s oil royalty.

How 1MDB Bankrolled Jho Low’s Private Equity Splash! FURTHER EXCLUSIVE

Following our earlier exclusive expose Sarawak Report has unearthed further exclusive evidence proving the links between the mystery tycoon Jho Low and Malaysia’s sovereign wealth fund One Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB). It shows that in 2011 1MDB bankrolled a multi-million euro debt buy-out in Ireland, which formed a key plank in Jho Low’s strategy to

How Len Talif Salleh -”Objective” Civil Servant/BN Politician/Timber Company Boss – Swindled Long Terawan!

Re-printed from original of 21/5/2011 In the run up to the recent election the Director of the Forestry Department, which is responsible for handing out Timber Licences, Len Talif Salleh, paraded before the cameras supporting the Chief Minister’s laughable claims that 70% of Sarawak’s forests remain “primary or intact”. Salleh posed as an ‘objective’ civil servant, the Director of

Berawan Victory At Mulu – End Taib’s Landgrab Laws!

Back in the 1990s Taib’s pet sister Raziah Mahmud and her ambitious third husband, the Lebanese Australian Robert Geneid, decided to build a jungle playground called Borsamulu, near the Mulu bat caves. The project became their grand dream together and no expense was to be spared. Indeed, in order to clear a path for incoming

Radio Free Sarawak Receives World Media Honour

Peter John Jaban, the founder presenter of Radio Free Sarawak has been named by the NGO Reporters Without Borders as one of the world’s “100 Information Heroes” to be celebrated for their work on this year’s World Press Freedom Day, May 3rd. The organisation, which campaigns for freedom of information, explains: “Through their courageous work

Sarawak’s WTK Slammed For Land Grabs In Papua New Guinea

A new report by the global NGO OXFAM has identified the Sarawak crony logging company WTK as one of the main land-grabbing companies illegally destroying the rain forests of Papua New Guinea and stealing the lands and livelihoods of the native people. The report specifically attacks Australian banks which have been willing to turn a

CAUGHT! Malaysia’s RTM Linked To Illegal Jamming Of RFS

The British broadcasters who supply the shortwave programme Radio Free Sarawak (RFS) have condemned radio pirates, who are breaking international laws by jamming the nightly show. Shockingly, evidence gathered by the station’s monitors identifies Malaysia’s own public broadcasting station RTM (Radio Television Malaysia) as the likely culprit behind the attacks! This weekend, the London based

Tougher Times For Raziah & Robert?

A reader of Sarawak Report has alerted us to the recent sale by the Governor’s ‘pet sister’ Raziah Mahmud of one of her million dollar properties in Sydney’s top billionaire enclave of Vaucluse. The mansion at No 38 Coolong Road covers over 1,000 Square meters. To boost the sale for this luxury mansion the Geneids

Top US Study – SCORE Is The Worst Way To Develop Sarawak!

A study by American scientists from the top California University of Berkeley has concluded that instead of building mega-dams, the Sarawak government should focus on small-scale energy sources for developing rural areas. The study will be presented tomorrow at the ASEAN ‘Renewable Energy Week’ in Kuala Lumpur and it follows another similar study conducted by Oxford University

How Jamilah Spilt The Beans On Sakto’s Money EXCLUSIVE

  In recent years the Taib family have worked hard to conceal the sources of income behind their series of multi-million dollar property companies in Canada, the US and the UK. However, we can now reveal devastating new archive information, unearthed by the Swiss NGO, the Bruno Manser Fund (BMF), which shows that Taib’s own

Sarawak’s Land Grab Laws Must Go!

Now that BN have got around to ditching Taib they need to ditch his unconstitutional land grab laws too. The former Chief Minister passed a series of amendments to Sarawak’s Land Codes, in order to help himself to lands belonging to the native communities. One such change in May 2000 obliterated native rights to their

The Governor Gets Down To Business

  When Taib Mahmud spoke of his retirement in years gone by he would tell bemused confidants “when I retire one day, I will run business”. ‘What else has he been doing for the past 40 years?’, was their silent thought. After all, Taib has for the past four decades and more abused his public

Hollywood Legal Battle Engulfs ‘Racketeer’ Riza Aziz

The Hollywood law suit initiated by Najib’s step-son Riza Aziz against fellow producers Steve Stabler and Brad Krevoy has rebounded with accusations against him, according to reports in the Los Angeles media. The two have amended their counter-suit against Aziz and his well-funded production company Red Granite to accuse him of ‘violation of the Racketeer

Mystery Thickens Over Missing Millions Meant For Schools

The company cited as the vehicle for SUPP leader Peter Chin’s pre-election plan to build 15 Sarawak schools has categorically denied any involvement in the project. The KL based developer See Hoy Chan has told Sarawak Report that it had no knowledge of the RM559million proposal, which was rushed through and approved by the PM and Deputy PM’s offices in the weeks just before the election.

Adenan Gaffe Sparks Borneo Post Re-Write!

A major gaffe by Taib’s new puppet Chief Minister Adenan Satem made headlines in the Borneo Post today – and was then promptly pulled down from the online version. The print version, however, still carries the original wording of Adenan’s highly embarrassing remarks, in which he acknowledged that the only reason he did not ban

Sarawak’s RM559Million ‘Schools For Votes’ Scandal! EXCLUSIVE EXPOSE

Sarawak Report has acquired damning evidence of a deliberate vote-buying ploy to approve 15 new schools in Sarawak, rushed through just before the last General Election by BN. The project was approved both by the Prime Minister, Najib Razak and by the Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister Muhyiddin Yassin. Directly implicated was the then Energy

World Has Malaysia Under The Microscope

Foreign Editors around the world have tended to shun the topic of Malaysia and its politics, judging it all as simply not lively enough to hold their readers. It has allowed the country’s deep weaknesses, propped up by petrol and palm oil billions, to go unnoticed and for fatuous ad campaigns like “Malaysia Truly Asia’

Malaysia rejects indigenous rights at the UN

Malaysia has rejected a suggestion at the United Nations that the UN Special Rapporteur on Indigenous Rights should be allowed to visit the country and evaluate the treatment of the Orang Ulu. This was one of many recommendations which Malaysia has rejected since its Periodic Review (UPR) at the United Nations in October. The UPR

Flight MH 370 Continues To Shine An Unwelcome Spotlight On BN

The growing criticism of the world media in the light of the Malaysian Government’s inept responses to the shocking disappearance of Malaysian Airlines 370 six days ago has prompted an unwelcome analysis of BN’s political system. After all, the catastrophe came the very day after the disgraceful conviction of the opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim for

Flight MH370 Exposes BN Weaknesses Worldwide

Malaysians are used to suffering under third rate leaders, promoted because of family not merit, and they are used to incompetence (or worse) being ignored or covered up by a compliant media. However, others are not. As the days have rolled by since the disappearance of Flight MH370, more and more countries with citizens on

Mega-Dams Create Economic Disaster Says Top Study

Mega-dams are always promoted as key agents of progress and prosperity by the governments and business interests supporting them. Taib Mahmud is no exception with his pet project SCORE, which involves building no less than 12 more mega-dams in Sarawak, starting with 5 in the next 12 months. However, a new study by Britain’s prestigious

What The Wider World Thinks About Governor Taib

In his final speech before taking over as Governor Taib Mahmud lingered on his poor reputation abroad, which is clearly troubling him. He tasked Malaysia’s foreign envoys with the job of convincing outsiders that Sarawak is a model of good governance and then he complained about ‘malicious’ NGOs, who have nothing better to do with

Najib Re-brands Malaysia!

Hundreds of millions of ringgit of public money have been spent by BN on foreign public relations. All that money and effort has now been wasted by one simple decision to make a martyr of the opposition leader. The world can no longer be gulled that Malaysia is a modern, moderate democracy, because it is

Taib Plans To Commission A Better Reputation

Taib has grabbed the Governorship, but now he is worrying about his reputation. In his outgoing speech as Chief Minister he chose to focus on the international bad publicity over his destruction of the rainforest; his rolling out of oil palm plantations and his self-enrichment in the process. Clearly, this matter has spoiled his promotion

BMF Hit By Cyber-Attack On Eve Of Major Book Launch

The Swiss NGO Bruno Manser Fund (BMF) had its website brought down by a cyber-attack today, 26th February. The ‘break-in’ appeared to be a highly professional hack, according to the NGO’s web-team and it comes at a crucial moment politically for Taib Mahmud, who is facing a local and international campaign for a Clean Governor,

So WHO Is The MACC Going To Arrest?

Malaysia’s Anti-Corruption Commission has made some key acknowledgements according to a recent interview with the Malaysian Insider. The investigators have confirmed that huge tracts of land and concessions were handed to the family members of Chief Minister Taib Mahmud, making clear that a crime has been committed against the state. They have gone further and

Clean Governor? – New Revelations Over Japanese Kickback Scandal Confront Taib

SPECIAL INVESTIGATION The out-going Chief Minister, Taib Mahmud, has worked hard to keep at bay revelations about his family’s involvement in the Japanese timber export kickback scandal, which erupted in 2007. However, the facts of the case are laid out in Japanese tax tribunal judgements, which are available to public scrutiny. Sarawak Report has now

LONDON CONNECTION – How Plan To Appoint Taib Might Taint Agong

There is a two week window of opportunity that has just opened up for Malaysia’s Prime Minister to do something about his most embarrassing international liability, the Chief Minister of Sarawak, Abdul Taib Mahmud. The scandal-torn kleptocrat has formally handed in his resignation, due to come into effect at the end of this short month

MONEY TRAIL – New Document Links Taib To Japanese Timber Scandal!

On the eve of Taib’s bid to escape into the supposed immunity of the governor’s office, Sarawak Report can reveal an astonishing new document that clearly links him to the Japanese timber export scandal that broke in 2007. The scandal involved millions of ringgit that were paid by Japanese timber exporters from Sarawak to a

Don’t Let Taib Grab The Governorship!

The fact that Taib did not move swiftly and decisively in his bid to grab the governorship is a sign of a weaker position than he would like All this dithering and delay over announcing the details of his move and successor means that he is still negotiating desperately with BN to shore up a

Taib Keeps Dithering

After hiding the past few days Taib Mahmud has made another of his non-announcements. He has announced that he will make a real announcement next week about what he plans to do about his future. For the umpteenth time we are told the Chief Minister has agreed he will retire, this time at a PBB

Bakun Turbines Running At Just 50% Capacity – EXCLUSIVE!

Insiders at the Bakun Power Plant have revealed that the second tallest dam in the world is running at just half its optimum generating capacity. The revelation came this week as the anti-Baram Dam Blockade marked its 100th day on Thursday. And it prompted protestors to question why on earth is Taib Mahmud pushing through 12

Taib SCORE’s Every Time – But What About Sarawak?

Every piece of investment information that comes out of the so-called SCORE project (Sarawak Corridor Of Renewable Energy) appears to have one thing in common.  It boosts the wealth of Chief Minister Taib Mahmud and his family. In fact, the most obvious motivation behind the entire state-backed project is to enrich this family further and


The soaring Hollywood career of the PM’s stepson Riza Aziz has crashed back down to earth, with news from Los Angeles that the Academy Awards committee have decided to remove his name from the list of nominations for producer of the best film. In a highly unusual development the Academy chose not to accept the

WOW! Riza Aziz’s Secret Beverly Hills Mansion HOLLYWOOD EXCLUSIVE

Instant movie mogul, Red Granite’s Riza Aziz, has purchased a secret Hollywood mansion in the most expensive part of Beverly Hills overlooking LA. Sarawak Report has established that 36 year old Mr Aziz, who earlier spent some three years working in London for HSBC, purchased 912 N Hillcrest Road for $17.5million in September 2010. The

PM’s Family Movie “Too Haram” To Show In Malaysia!

PM Najib Razak’s step-son Riza Aziz was earlier interviewed by the top Hollywood magazine, The Hollywood Reporter, about his eyebrow-raising series of investments in the movie business. When they asked about what his family thought, he implied that his ‘Dad’ took an interest and monitored the content of his films. Referring to the current US$100million

Sarawak Energy Reported For ‘Bribing’ Natives! – EXPOSE

On 19th December three four wheel drive vehicles were loaded with Sarawak Energy personnel and several tens of thousands of ringgit in cash (RM50 notes). They then made their way up to 33 villages in the Baram area, a region fraught with conflict over the company’s planned dam building programme. On arrival, according to testimony

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