DOJ – Continuing Analysis Of The Deceit And Duplicity Of 1MDB’s Top Officials On Behalf of Jho Low and Najib

The promised Part II of our review and analysis of the DOJ’s thriller of a read on 1MDB. Get your own copy, because there is so much MORE!……..

Nice Mr Najib’s ‘Flourishing Democracy’! COMMENT

It is a sad thing for the United States to be seemingly allying with a criminal ethnic nationalist in bed with Islamic extremists against a reformist coalition based on broad democratic values. The crawling ‘strategists’ lining the corridors of Whitehall and the White House must take responsibility for allowing this charade to have taken place……

The US President’s Dodgy Guest

How Najib Razak welcomed the diamond seller Louise Schwarz at the Bell Aire Hotel in Hollywood in spring 2014 , so she could then present 27 diamond necklaces to his wife, bought with money siphoned from 1MDB and more……….

Does This Mean It’s CRIMINAL ?

Najib is likely to have been run out of office long before the criminal case over 1MDB reaches its conclusions, because the constant stream of revelations that investigation produces are steadily but surely eroding every last bit of credibility Malaysia’s Prime Minister ever had…..

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