Wheeler Dealer Sultans?

It is not enough to do the right thing: leaders must be seen to do the right thing and even the perception of conflict must be avoided ….

Holy Hypocrisy Rapidly Exposed

Two consecutive election results have made clear the majority of Malaysians want an end to political corruption and reform. The PAS party have rejected this request on both occasions and indulged in the orgy of plunder under the unelected coup administrations of Muhyiddin and Ismail Sabri. They have no right to claim ‘moral’ superiority whilst criticising others…….

How Conspiracy Propaganda Pollutes The Internet

First Najib and then Taib hired Israel based APCO, and then its allied FBC Media from Texas, to attack and defame Anwar and later Sarawak Report. Next, Bell Pottinger was hired in London. Then, Jho Low funded a massive western media operation to attack SR over 1MDB (and Najib chucked money at RPK). Now, the online attacks have begun again but this time they appear paid by China – or Jho Low again? Meet ‘Tony Cartalucci’ aka ‘Brian Joseph Thomas Berletic’ the Thai based ‘vlogger’ with a mission to destroy….

SLAPPED Down! London’s Libel Litigators Face Consequences At Last

Sarawak Report has been harassed and faced aggressive litigation from numerous London law firms and KL copy cats over the past decade, generally acting for crooks and kleptocrats. This week the UK government and the UK Solicitors’ Regulatory Authority issued stern warnings to law firms and promised to tighten the law against such actions…..

Growing Tangle That The Istana Would Do Well To Step Aside From

The Agong deserves to be keep well out of this and to remain untarnished – he should leave the parties to slug it out on the floor of parliament not behind closed doors at the palace with his name dragged in.
He just needs to give each of them their turn in order of their precedence in the popular vote.

No More Of Mahiaddin’s Phantom SDs!

It is not the first time that the party-hopping PN Chairman, Mahiaddin, has been found ‘economical with the truth’ in presenting alleged SDs to the Palace showing MPs’ support. This practice should end….

GPS’s Drunken Disgrace!

Those who have conspired to thus beguile and trick their victims are no better than vile drug dealers who seek to suck the life blood from their clients……

Continuing Criminal Chaos Or A Proper Clean Up? Malaysia’s Choice

Sarawak Report has ended up reporting on volumes of corrupt practice in Malaysia over recent years. Now all the perpetrators are fighting amongst each other in the hope of regaining office and avoiding jail. It is not a pretty sight and such creatures and those who once supported them are not fit for office. Their only promise is more chaos and more corruption …..

Defamation Case Tossed Out!

A wealthy litigant has been left with egg on their face after a High Court tossed out their libel case today which had been brought against a respected media organisation…..

Will Ismail’s ‘Political Ammo’ Blow Up In His Face?

Former AG Tommy Thomas has filed his own case against the government against a clear violation of his constitutional rights in releasing, with malicious intent and in advance of any legal action, confidential details of an ‘illegal report’ by a ‘special task force’ with no lawful standing. He appears to have a strong case!

Arise Sir Jake

Is there anything Liz Truss could have done this weekend to make herself even more unpopular? You would not have imagined so, but she has just conferred a knighthood on the ‘On Your Bike’ man, her new Party Chairman Jake Berry! At least Berry has acted on his own advice when it comes to boosting his family funds it seems – EXCLUSIVE …..

Poacher Turned Gate-Keeper At No 11?

Is a man who either went to some lengths to avoid registering a discounted bulk purchase of 7 flats from a friendly donor in his own constituency or who dumbly failed to do so properly really the best choice to rescue the ‘Trusterfuck’ government in the UK? …..

Murky Business At Battersea?

As the Battersea Power Station development in London finally opens in the presence of the Agong and Malaysian developers backed by Malaysian taxpayers’ cash we look at some of the UK intermediaries who have profited while promoting the project in their capacity as decision makers in the public interest by at the same time taking up directorships with the spin-off company Eco World. Did murky Malaysian money muddy this London project?…..

Remember Remember The 5th Of November!

If UMNO was hoping to avoid constant reminders of its criminal connections and the global 1MDB scandal during GE15 then maybe November was not such a clever time to call it after all? The celebrity trial of the year is due to set off the fireworks on November 5th in Hollywood. If that was not in the UMNO PM’s diary then someone slipped up…..

Failing State….

The chaos and corruption of Malaysia’s present lawless regime is leading the country daily into further ignominy and into the ranks of ‘basket case’ countries best to avoid……

Call In The Investigators Over UK’s ‘KamiKwazi’ Budget!

The Conservative Party’s ‘250 Group’ of major donors appears to have received troublingly close access to the new Chancellor, allowing potential insight into his budget plans denied others in a series of gatherings over the past weeks. Meanwhile, the line between so-called policy advisors and corporate catspaws has diminished to non-existent……

Liz Truss’s Chief of Staff Turned Witness By The FBI Under Threat Of Prosecution Over Illegal Funding Of US Campaign

Questioned by Sarawak Report the new Downing Street chief of staff Mark Fullbrook’s former employers, CT Group, originally lied claiming their work was not conducted for a former Governor of Puerto Rico via illegal foreign funding. Court documents now prove they knew it was. The top government advisor has now turned witness to avoid prosecution says the Sunday Times ……

Confirm Who Is My Wife? No Comment

Minister Abdul Latiff Ahmad has now threatened auditors for naming a fellow company shareholder as his wife. The question is, given this woman also managed companies accused of siphoning money from the LCA contracts to Boustead, why does he not identify who she therefore is?…..

Strange Choice Of Criminal Investigation By Bukit Aman!

PKR deputy chief Rafizi Ramli has been hauled in by the police and told to surrender his phone and give a statement in response to a police report by a Bersatu minister claiming he has been defamed. Meanwhile, the self-same minister is yet to be questioned about the staggering sums of money that disappeared under his watch into a company that auditors have said belonged to his wife…..

Billion Ringgit Babe!

The worst is that Rosmah can well afford it as everyone in Malaysia knows, including her paid blogger who sought to get her off the hook through contempt of court …..

A Tale Of Two Wives? We Reveal The Hidden Scandal Behind The Redacted Segment Of The LCS Auditor’s Report

Large chunks of the recently released Boustead auditor’s report remained mysteriously redacted. Sarawak Report can now reveal why. The black ink covered up how ‘suspicious’ and ‘dubious’ ‘irregularities’ identified by the auditors on the part of the French firms DCNS, Ameris France and Alizes Marine related to cover-ups over the Scorpene affair and misappropriations from the LCS contract…..

UMNO’s Silence Over Kuwaiti Hoard Signals Further Cover-Up

Kuwait has been sitting on $1.8 billion of stolen Malaysian cash for two years as KL refuses to pick up the phone and admit another scandal by ex-PM Najib. Indeed, ever since the UMNO coalition seized power once more we have seen a return to cover-up and secret negotiations when it comes to the return of Malaysia’s stolen money ….

More Plea Dealings With Crooks?!

Having been disappointed over its attempts to milk a lucrative settlement in return for dropping charges against Jho Low the coup government is now found out to have been negotiating with the PetroSaudi Boys as well!….

The UK’s Lobbying & Lordships Racket Has To Stop

Britain’s lamentable dearth of rules has seen a catastrophic collapse of good governance in the face of greed at the heart of the Tory party. Prime Ministers should not be allowed to hawk honours nor should lobbyists accept secret foreign payments …….

A Major Donor To The Conservative Party And Client Of Liz Truss’s Election Guru Is Charged In The US For Bribing A Politician – EXCLUSIVE EXPOSE

A Venezuelan banker who donated £500k to the Tories and was also a client of the Party Chairman, Ben Elliot, hired the PM’s top advisor Sir Lynton Crosby to provide election support worth $300,000 to the former Governor of Puerto Rico. According to the FBI, it was a bribe for closing down an investigation into suspicious activities at his bank…..

US Prosecutors Now Targeting Bigger Goldfish Over 1MDB?

Following the unanimous conviction of Goldman Sachs banker Roger Ng in New York there are signs that prosecutors may be moving to target higher officials from the bank. After all, the trial exposed damning evidence about the men at the top and what they knew….

Razak Baginda Chickens Out Of Giving Evidence

The judge’s verdict awaits in the Altantuya case. However the facts on which it will be based are so overwhelming that the defendant Razak Baginda has once again publicly refused to come to court to deny them……

What Was The RM2 Million For, Yang di-Pertuan Agong?

The present King of Malaysia has demonstrated on several occasions now that he feels no shame in publicly consorting with the convicted kleptocrat Najib Razak, so it is time to explain his motives and exactly what has happened to the money his family received from 1MDB? …….

Ng Was Guilty, But The Buck Does Not Stop There

Ex-Goldman banker Roger Ng has learnt you can be the fall guy and be found guilty at the same time. However, his trial has pointed a damning finger at far more senior figures who ought not be allowed to escape the evidence against them…..

Carbon Credit Rush Hits Papua New Guinea

As a shipload of mysterious timber extracted from Papua New Guinea is impounded in Bintulu we look at how the carbon speculators are also targeting the poor communities of that nation. This week one local Governor threw out a project he labelled a “scam” and future carbon credit deals have been suspended. A lesson for Malaysia?…..

Back To Business In Johor!

Once again it would seem that the Sultan of Johor has utilised an election period to drive through a massive construction project for his own benefit. This time it is the extraordinary Muar off-shore oil and gas reclamation scheme….

Ministry Of Justice Moves Against Britain’s Rogue Libel Lawyers At Last!

Just weeks ago it would have seemed inconceivable that the attack dogs from Britain’s defamation law firms, who have proved so relaxed about taking cash from all quarters to harass and silence journalists, would find themselves held to account. Now following an active campaign the UK government is taking action over their excesses together with other European authorities …..

What’s In A Name? Plenty When The Name Is Blavatnik Or Razak

The alleged cream of the next generation of Britain’s aspiring political leadership are being educated in governance at an institution set up by a man who made his money from the corruption of Putin’s Russia and lectured to by the brother of the world’s most notorious kleptocrat……

The Oligarch Syndrome – Has The Fog Of War Brought Clarity On Corruption?

Putin’s oligarchs have operated no differently to Jho Low. It beggars belief they raided the state without the sanction of the man in charge or got away with so much money (and stayed alive) without being proxies. So, just as Jho Low lobbied for Najib, why should the West imagine they have not acted as Putin’s agents all this while?……

Sabah’s Government Held To Ransom By A Carbon Kleptocrat – Devastating Plea To The UN!

Yesterday’s appeal to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous People by no less than 19 civil society organisations, including WWF Malaysia, the Centre for International Environmental Law and South East Asia Rainforest Research Partnership, is a damning document. It demands intervention by the international peace organisation over the state’s bogus ‘Nature Conservation Agreement’

Malaysia Is Drowning Under Corruptocracy – Comment

Malaysians need to understand their fundamental problems and know their real enemies. These are the kleptocrats who have robbed the nation and sought to divide it for decades to benefit themselves. They were removed at GE14 but now they are back with a vengeance and need dealing with once and for all…..

Billion Ringgit Question For Boustead And UMNO’s Defence Ministers

As reports emerge that the missing billion from the Boustead Littoral Combat Ships project may be traceable to Singapore we ask some fundamental questions about the structure of venture and the ‘procurement sub-contract’ from which the money appears to have been siphoned out – a vehicle co-owned by a major German company……..

Foreign Financing In UK Politics Sparks Growing Concern

Sarawak Report has been following the global money trail as kleptocrat and autocrat cash funnels through the off-shore system and into advanced ‘concierge’ economies where professionals serve and shield those who have pillaged their own countries. In 2022 we will occasionally shine a light on the so-called ‘London Laundromat’ to warn that corruption is an infectious disease that impacts and destroys governance beyond borders……

Another ‘Special Task Force’ – Friend Or Foe To The Rule Of Law?

Najib has published his own self-justifications daily on Facebook and in a proxy book by his communications advisor Roman Bose. Therefore, his vengeance against the former AG for exercising his own freedom to write a book is telling. UMNO’s ‘Special Task Force’ is the Court Cluster’s latest blatant attempt to re-write history and cancel court judgements to avoid the jail sentences they deserve….

Has Malaysia Woken Up To Its Logging Crisis At This Eleventh Hour?

Under the cover of Covid crackdowns those restored to power by Malaysia’s backdoor coup returned to their rampant plunder of resources with a vengeance. The population have been locked inside but the loggers have been unleashed as if on borrowed time. Now the rains have washed away their cover…..

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