French Swoop on ‘KAQ’s’ 1MDB Funded Assets Worth €130 – €150 Million

As the Abu Dhabi fund IPIC sets about suing Goldman Sachs, the convicted former CEO and Chair of the IPIC subsidiary Aabar has seen the seizure of his assets in France………

What A State Of Affairs – COMMENT

UMNO’s most enthusiastic remaining supporters seem now to be from the party which claims to champion those who have been worst hit by the corruptions of the past administration……..

Zero Marks To Cambridge?

Cambridge University is hosting a conference next week, at which the organisers claim ex-Najib Razak will speak. Some mistake? We think so!………

From One Of The Lads To Fellow Fugitive

What is it that Paul Stadlen has information on that is of so much interest to the authorities, why doesn’t he want to tell them and how was he paid for so many years for his dedicated service to Najib? ……

Prejudicing His Own Trial?

Malaysians could only come to one conclusion as they watched their former prime minister’s receding back, which is that Najib must plead guilty now and spare himself and his country further disastrous public humiliation….

Standing Up For Sarawak?

The GPS re-positioning programme is getting underway and local Sarawakians need to see it for what it is, which is yet more betrayal by greedy ex-BN political datuks……..

Time For The Wall Street Journal To Speak The Truth About Their Source?

Given it has been reported that the book Billion Dollar Whale alleges author Tom Wright was contacted by the source of the information on Najib’s bank accounts, is he willing to admit that the source was another journalist, namely Sarawak Report and not an anonymous entity calling itself “SaveMalaysia”?………

Kelantan – Creed or Greed ?

The heartless vandalism being presently tolerated against the remaining jungles and indigenous people of Kelantan brings shame to the nation and will stain the reputation of ‘New Malaysia’ in the eyes of future generations, unless urgent action is taken to stop the ‘godly’ state government’s disgraceful sponsorship of destructive logging……

Jho Low And The China Issue

Jho Low has become the Scarlet Pimpernel of Asia, but his ability to evade the forces of law and order owes less to daring disguise and more to geo-political game playing…..

The Honesty Factor

Najib and his new defence lawyer make a less than convincing, but perfect pair given their track record together over many years……

A Matter Of Development

Malaysia needs to think differently about development issues, like the proposed Langkawi project, now we are in the 21st century……..

Whither Sarawak As CMSB Nosedives?

The Chief Minister and ruling parties need to get off the fence and decide how they are going to fit in to the new political landscape, but he can’t even decide whether to lift the ban on a visit by Sarawak Report….

Unfolding Drama As Reality Sinks In For Najib

There await plenty more episodes to watch around the demise of UMNO’s power couple. A thousand cover-ups to be unravelled and billions of dollars to be unearthed – handbags, diamonds, will all come tumbling out. But, the danger is now over – Najib is gone…..


Reform begins tonight and the future for a newly reunified, Malaysia, now back under the cardinal principle of governance by the rule of law, looks extremely bright…..

Najib ‘Lied’ About UMNO Links To SCL/Cambridge Analytica!

ELECTION SCANDAL – On the eve of GE14, leaked ‘Merdeka Papers’ from the scandal ridden Cambridge Analytica parent company SCL indicate once again that Najib has LIED. He DID engage with the covert UK communications outfit, working with a former officer from his own ‘Performance Unit’ as the local front man……..

BN Paralysis As Election Day Approaches

The ruling party has battoned down the hatches as if waiting for a storm. They are threatening dreadful consequences if they lose and advising Malaysians they are better off with continuing cover-ups about the country’s finances. But, their fear is only for themselves…..

Sabah – A Serious Local Difficulty For BN

When it comes to corruption, Sabah’s Musa Aman is the local version of Najib. Exposes by Sarawak Report throughout 2012 are now the subject of a prosecution in Switzerland against UBS Bank for laundering Musa’s stolen money. So, it is hardly surprising that Sabah folk have flocked to Warisan……..

Fear Factor! – COMMENT

What Najib now fears is to see these two men staring down at him from posters across Malaysia. The signs of panic are everywhere now in BN……

Rules Are For Breaking? COMMENT

There remains just one rare, ultimate court that might, just, possibly still be in a position to sort out the law-breakers who have put themselves in charge of Malaysia. It sits on May 9th…..

How Is GE14 Being Funded?

Evidence published by Sarawak Report that BN’s GE13 campaign was funded by 1MDB sourced accounts has not been contested. So, where will the billions come from this time?…..


Is There Anything Malaysia’s Kleptocrat PM Would Not Stoop To to Keep Power? …..

End The Shame!

Najib’s shameless bulldozing through of a blatant last minute gerrymander, just to save his skin, days before the election may easily back-fire amongst Malay voters…..

‘Ghosting In And Ghosting Out’…

As the scandal builds over cowboy election consultancy Cambridge Analytica (SCL) the information is seeping out about the dody company’s role supporting BN in Malaysia. Watch their dirty tactics admitted by their chief, the ex-Etonian CEO Alexander Nix…..

The Banking Spin Starts? Commentary

Jho Low deserves a just and painful punishment, but he ought not to be the scapegoat for 1MDB. His boss, who is Malaysia’s corrupt leader, and all the bankers who were ready to do business with him, need to be held to account as well……

Fake News From EPF?

As EPF tries to put a lid on this matter by calling it fake news, the facts are proving their own claims to be truth challenged……

Secret Mega-Hospital Hoax Or A Scheme To Scam Billions?

RM47 billion ‘Integrated Medical Cities’ project was touted as a joint collaboration between EPF and the Ministry of Health, but EPF now claims it was all a hoax, leaving unanswered questions surrounding numerous contacts and correspondences reviewed by Sarawak Report….

Will Najib’s Thug Tactics Work For GE14?

Only the people of Malaysia can now take the decision and make the move to intervene and rescue the brave warriors like Anwar, Rafizi, Tain Chua and others who have been willing to sacrifice their freedom to stand up for the public interest and what is right…..

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